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Welcome sign designed by Jesmin.

World Youth Day 2002 | Alexandria | Wash DC | Zoo | Shrine | Phil. Fiesta


Alexandria, Va. - Uncle Eddie and Auntie Jenny's home.  

World Youth Day 2002 | Alexandria | Wash DC | Zoo | Shrine | Phil. Fiesta


Washington D.C. 4th of July celebration.

World Youth Day 2002 | Alexandria | Wash DC | Zoo | Shrine | Phil. Fiesta


National Zoo (also in D.C.)


World Youth Day 2002 | Alexandria | Wash DC | Zoo | Shrine | Phil. Fiesta


Fatima Shrine in New Jersey.

After the Mass and procession.   Yum Yum !!

World Youth Day 2002 | Alexandria | Wash DC | Zoo | Shrine | Phil. Fiesta


Philippine Fiesta in New York - saw Pilita Corales.
Pilita's trademark

World Youth Day 2002 | Alexandria | Wash DC | Zoo | Shrine | Phil. Fiesta

World Youth Day, Toronto, Canada 

Sunday; it rained before Mass.

Box city

Large screen. Pope is way back on the stage behind the large screen.

Stage / Altar is under the large yellow cross on the left.


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