To all the special people in my life..... this page is for you. It's not much but it's my feelings and thoughts about you all! I love you! George - This first line is for my Best friend in the whole world! Babe you are everything to me. Thank you for 11 wonderful years and the two most beautiful children in the Universe! You are my "Flame"*big kiss* I love you with all my heart and body! Michael & Matthew - My babies! You are the light of my life! Thank you for your hugs & kisses and your "I love you's"! You always know when I need them! Thanks for getting up at 5am and not going to bed til 11pm! *lol* I love you both with everything that I am! *big huggs & kisses* P.S. I would like to thank Michael ecspecially for 30 hours of labor. *lol* Teena/TNT - What can I say? You're my sister and I love you! Thanks for all the early morning phone calls and don't forget the calls during our "soaps" just to say "What the hell is going on?" *lol* Thanks for making me an Aunt (3 times)!!! What were you thinking? Always stay who you are and don't let anyone change you! *huggs* Sabrina - To my second best friend, (and sister-in-law) Thanks for always reminding me that I'm a good person and for always being there for me! Between the 2 of us, we should start an advice column! haha But most of all, thanks for being such a wonderful friend and Aunt to my kids! *huggs* Jo/Bakki - Some people call you "cyber mom" but I think of you more as "soul sister" *hug* Thank you for listening and for not getting too mad when I used your mailing list! (you know what I mean) Thanks for giving us "pubsters" a great place to chat and for not judging what goes on in there! This is a song from the movie
"Casper" |