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Hi, my name is Matthew! I am in grade 5. I am 10 years old and I was born August 4th, 1991, at 6:34 am! My mom and her sister, (my aunt) had me and my cousin, on the same day, in the same hospital and we all shared the same room! Cool eh? (oh yeah, I'm older by 2 hours!)

Watching T.V. and movies, Playing
video games, playing outside and
hanging out with my mom!!!

Favorite things:
Restaurant: Chuck E Cheese and
Book: Harry Potter
Movie: Space Jam & Mighty Ducks
Food: Chinese Noodles





Ring of Aliens
This Ring of Aliens site owned by Matthew

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Click here for some of my favorite pics from
the Mighty Ducks and Space Jam movies!
(my mom scanned these images and made
the background, so please,
don't steal them unless you ask her)



My Links
 Mighty Ducks Page
Warner Brothers!
The best T.V. station in the world!
Nintendo's Website!
Disney's Website!
Visit Sega!


This song is Called "Eye To Eye"
From the Goofy Movie