Art was never something that rose a tremendous interest within me. I was, however, inclined to pencil art, but i never thought about it more than i would about cars or crickets or girls. i used to do some rough sketches and draw and ocassionally paint, but i've never been good at it. my source of inspiration was my elder brother, cil, who's art has always been admired, but he never turned professional. it was his hobby to draw, draw good.

Things changed when i started playing computer games. At first, it never struck me. i used to play with photographs here and there with corel photo paint and adobe photoshop... make greeting cards... use effects randomly... slowly i started gettin more and more interested in photography manipulation... but i never had enough resources... a digital camera, a fast computer, a scanner and lots of stuffs... but i found my way thru it. i used to cut n' paste all the photographs that i liked in a paper, take it to a local computer editor and pay him some money for it to be scanned. i used to play with photographs and photoshop a lot.

When i was introduced to 3D gaming, i never had the hardware to run it. but i played with resources to manage a 3Dfx vodoo bansee card. it was great. NFS2SE was the first game i really liked playing ... and slowly the NFS series changed my whole perspective towards computer graphics, art and multimedia. Since then, i've always wanted to do crazy stuffs with computer graphics. i was the senior editor and layout designer for "The Reminiscences", my high school yearbook. Though the publication and stuffs were challenging, it wasn't challenging enough for the graphics and art.

Right now i'm taking graphics classes as well as multimedia classes. My future plans is to graduate as a bachelor of science in visual effects and motion graphics. Shrek, Final Fantasy, Need For Speed Series are the kind of products that have made me really interested towards computer graphics. The Matrix and many other movies with special effects fascinate me. I really want to be a computer graphics and visual effects specialist. wish me all the best ! ! !

The Facts About suBi | suBi,at pREseNt | faMilY picTures | suBi,pictures and activities | homE|