Xiphophorus helleri
These fish are not my favorite for the simple reason, that I have a hard time keeping them healthy and happy.
Had them when we lived on the east coast and they thrived.
So, I tried a totally different method, I made a shallow pond outside, put in a couple of buckets of peatmoss,
filled it with the hose, added floating plants.
Put the fish in a couple of days later after having floated them in a bucket in the pool for a few hours,
adding pool water every now and then.
Let them loose and left them to their own devices.
They were the most healthy looking swordtails , I had ever seen.
Took them inside Oct 9, a day before a good frost. These fish enjoyed a fluctuation in temperature daily.
Their descendants are still breeding and as healthy.
Ellas' Home page Tropical
Fish The Kootenays