Ella's Space on the Web

This page has been a long time in the making, hope you enjoy it.
First I'll tell you a little about myself, eleventy-one yrs old, had 7 children and enjoyed every minute of it (even the 14 yrs of diaper bondage). Right now we live in Slocan , in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia.
My interests include tropical fish, rockhounding, my family, the computer,
photography, and I'm a plant-aholic,
not neccesarily in that order.
View our hike to Drinnon Lake , in the Valhalla Mountains. Never having done this before, it was an exhilerating experience for all of us.
My experiences with some different types of Tropical Fish.
Jack was my husband and collaborator (for almost 33 years).
Born in Switzerland, spent some time in La Chaux de Fonds as a teenager.
We seem to like to go on adventures, until now they have been on 5 yr. plans,
the tropical fish phase lasted from 1983 till now.
Together we put West Kootenay Tropical Fish Hatcheries in operation, with the help of our children.
Our children have mixed feelings about the fish phase, but it has been fun with them to help. Many water fights while filling tanks, hoses which accidently slipped while walking by.
Take this page in the spirit it was made, I love to meet people and this is a way of saying Hi and introducing myself. Click here to Email me
This page was created on November 11, 1997. Updated Sept. 15, 2004.
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