

This is the result of much trial and error, all the information that is here
is my own personal experience, so it may differ from your own experience
or books on the subject. I started years ago with a dozen small marble
angels, grew them, had them pair off and experimented from then on.

At the moment , there are aver 30 pairs set up, depending on their size and type
they are setup in smaller (15 gal) or larger (30 gal) tanks. The 15 gallon tanks are
18 inches high, since angelfish prefer tanks that are deep.
None of them are on a central system, the substrate is sand, and to clean them can
be quite easy.
Just syphon off the sand as you partial the tank, rinse the sand in not too hot or cold water.
Then replace the sand and add new water.
Water sprite, riccia, amazon swords, java moss and cryptocorne are my preferences
of plants to use.
The water here is usually a PH of 6.8 and is very soft. I am not into technical terms.
Herding Instinct
Feeding the young
Conditioning the parents
If I've left anything out please tell me.
Tropical Fish          Ella's Homepage
This Page created by Ella Amstutz  January 28, 1999.
Updated Sept. 15, 2004