Stories/Family Information

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Since I have no stories that rival the Bizosky Bubble Bath Battle, I guess I will resort to family information.  What a way to get your all's attention...did I say gossip???  NOOOOO! The cousin grapevine is alive and well for that!  I promise that!

Recently, Cheri and Brooke moved to North Carolina and now live across the street from Shanon.  Just in time for the hurricane to hit.  Take cover and care of yourselves down there!  Shanon admits she is ecstatic about having them there with Brooke's babies.

Sean and Saundra have moved back to the Continental United States and are now residing in New Mexico with Taylor and Mason.

Looks like we will have a cousin reunion for Krista's nuptials...don't forget them's been since the mid-90's since that happened last!  I guess once a decade is just about all South Bend can handle of us!

Diane has moved locations and now is living in a nearby town with her hubby and three kids.

Well, I think we have gone nearly four months without an announcement of a baby...maybe in the coming year?  Let's get the wedding rings exchanged first!

Man!  It's noooo fun restraining myself from writing gossip here...give me a call if you want to know the buzz on the cousin grapevine...I am sure I could dredge some up for you...or better yet...I could MAKE some up!  LOL!

What???  No gossip allowed???  Okay, okay...just to let you all know...the cousin grapevine is up and fully functional!

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