Work Time

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When Melissa was old enough (I think she was about 16) she got her first job (part-time on the week ends) in a local department store.  This was a great help to her social life an interaction with other people.

Melissa now works in the bakery of our local grocery store.   She works the cash resister, takes orders, does some baking, and many other things there.  She’s been working part-time for almost 3 years now.  She enjoys working very much and also enjoys spending her money at the local clothing store like any other teenager and trying to save for her first car now.

Melissa practicing her driving.  She is taking Drivers Education classes in school and is looking forward to getting her driving permit, maybe in early in ‘99.  She’s about 16 in this picture on the right.

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BIG NEWS; Missy passed the written test for her "Drivers Permit".
Look out everybody. Here she comes...

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Tole.jpg (9291 bytes)She always enjoys getting involved.  Here she’s collecting for Muscular Dystrophy.  She always gets them with her smile.  They can’t resist.  She appeared on a Boston TV station for MD during the telethon with her father to make the contribution for the local Fire Department. computer.jpg (9113 bytes)

Melissa loves working with the computer.  She is currently taking computer classes in school.  She does all of her reports and school projects using the computer.  She is working on building her own web site. 


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