Countryside Living Editorials

Countryside Living Editorials

This page will be devoted to my personal views on living in the countryside. If you would like to make any comments please contact me at my e-mail address

March in the Eastern Townships means snow squalls, sugaring and seeding. We can have beautiful +15 temps one week and a snow storm the next. As you travel amongst the hills you will see steam rising from cabins in the woods as maple syrup producers boil the clear sap from the maple trees into beautiful sweet syrup. You will find the finished product preserved in cans and available on store shelves. Traditionally people gather at sugar-on-snow parties. Warm thick syrup is poured out onto cold packed snow creating a sticky taffy. Forks or paddles are twirled onto the cooled mixture and enjoyed like a lollipop. The preserved syrup can be poured onto pancakes, icecream or the like. Delicious!

There's nothing like watching the miraculous transformation of tiny seeds into green plants. For "obsessive practical gardeners" like me, we can't wait to get into spring seeding of flats indoors. It makes the winter doldrums disappear imagining the colour and spendour of the summer gardens. There is definitely a cost saving to starting your own plants early. Happy spring!( Find out HOW TO by visiting my garden page.Go Garden

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