This is me and George at a wrestling match that his brother was in. George also wrestled when he went to Irvine High. This picture was taken around early 1994.
Here we are just before we went to Irvine High School Prom George's senior year. Taken May 1993.
This is when we went waterskiing (I never got up on the skis). Taken around spring 1994.
We're on our way to the Woodbridge High School Prom my senior year. Taken May 1994.
Shortly after this prom George went on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He was there for two years. Almost a year after he returned from his mission we got married (see wedding pictures). The next few pictures were taken after he got home.
This was one of many wedding announcement pictures taken at Laguna Beach. Taken December 1996.
This was taken at Arches National Park in Southern Utah. These arches are called the North and South Windows. Taken July 1998.
George and the graduate in front of our apartment building. Taken August 1998.
Even though this was our second Christmas together this was our first real Christmas tree with all eight of our ornaments on it. December 1998.