George and Janna 1

This is me and George at a wrestling match that his brother was in. George also wrestled when he went to Irvine High. This picture was taken around early 1994.

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Here we are just before we went to Irvine High School Prom George's senior year. Taken May 1993.

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This is when we went waterskiing (I never got up on the skis). Taken around spring 1994.

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We're on our way to the Woodbridge High School Prom my senior year. Taken May 1994.

Shortly after this prom George went on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He was there for two years. Almost a year after he returned from his mission we got married (see wedding pictures). The next few pictures were taken after he got home.

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This was one of many wedding announcement pictures taken at Laguna Beach. Taken December 1996.

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This was taken at Arches National Park in Southern Utah. These arches are called the North and South Windows. Taken July 1998.

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George and the graduate in front of our apartment building. Taken August 1998.

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Even though this was our second Christmas together this was our first real Christmas tree with all eight of our ornaments on it. December 1998.

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