Wedding Pictures

George and I were married May 16, 1997 in the San Diego Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

George and Janna - Wedding

The bride and groom.

George with his attendants - Wedding

George, Lloyd, (brother) Paul and Sean (friends).

Janna and her attendants - Wedding

Jamie (sister), Janna, Ginger (sister), Myriah (friend) and Jeffi (sister).

With George's family -wedding

Valerie, April, Mom, George, Janna, Dad, Lloyd, Grandma, and Grandpa.

With Janna's family - wedding

Grandpa, Myriah, Ginger, Jeffi, Jamie, Mom, Janna, George, Dad, Connie, Wendy, Grandma and Grandpa.

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