Take 2 seconds to forget the stereotypes, hype, and double talk. This page could be the most important thing you ever read.

      Jesus suffered and died at the hands of man - His own creation. God the Father put all of the sins of the whole world on Jesus, so that Jesus cried out, "Why have You forsaken me?". God the Father left from Him, because He can have nothing to do with sin. So Jesus died alone on a cross with all of the sin of the world upon Him, including yours and mine. He went to hell, where He was for 3 days, and on the third day, He arose from the dead . . . and He walked out of that tomb alive and well with Resurection Power! The Gift of God is Eternal Life.

      God can set you free!! If you don't know Jesus, then you probably feel an emptiness inside of you, a void that you can't seem to fill. Some people may go their whole life without knowing exactly what is that can fill that emptiness. Maybe you've realized that there is something missing from your life but you don't know what it is. There are lots of places where you can look for what seems to be that missing part of you. You can try to fill that dark, empty space with friends, a girl or boyfriend, cigarettes, alcohol, music, drugs, sex - but the emptiness inside of you will still be there!! There is a cold, dark, empty space in each one of us that Only God can fill. . . . and the only Way you can know God is by having a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, His Son! "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

      " But God demonstrates His own love towards us,
      in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. "
      Romans 5:8

      How can you be a Christian?

      First you need to believe. Then, you need to tell Jesus that you believe Him, that He died for your sins, that He still lives, and you have to be sorry for your sins. Only Our Father in Heaven can lead you to this repentence, and He will do this if He so chooses. If you feel Him leading you to repent from your sins, then you need to ask Him to forgive you for your sins and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. For, everyone who is born again receives the Spirit of God (Rom.8:9). That's it! The Bible says that if you just BELIEVE, then you are saved. And you now have a new life in Jesus Christ.


      Jesus Is Lord, He Loves You More Then You Can Know

      What do I do now?

      • Tell someone about your decision right now. Don't keep this to yourself! It can be anyone, even me. It's an important First step in growing in Christ so do it now, tell your family or a friend. If you like click here {E-mail Me} and drop me a line to share the GREAT News!!! WELCOME!!!

      • Read the Bible often or every day but you need to read Gods word to get to know Christ better. If you don't own a bible here is one book taken from the Bible you need to read. Its a great start. It was placed on the net so if you don't own a bible you can still start reading Gods Love Letter to you today :) {BIBLE}

      • Talk to God in prayer every day. ( This is one of the most important ) Through prayer you can grow to have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

      • Find a church where the Bible is taught as the complete and true Word of God and is the one true final authority.

      • You should put your faith into action and be baptized. (Matt 28:19)

      " In Him we have redemption through His blood,
      the forgiveness of sins... "
      Ephesians 1:7