The Search For Amer
last updated 20 Mar 2000
This page is host to a cooperative effort find the origins of the Via immigrants, Amer and William. This page will record the efforts of Via researchers to find information concerning these immigrants. By avoiding re-researching records that have already been reviewed, we can better use our resources, and more methodically conduct the search.  If you would like to research one of the sources listed under Suggestions for Future Research, please let me know,and I will move the item to the Research Assigned table.  Research results should be reported to the Via email list, and they will eventually end up being posted here.  Rather than update the What's New page every time I update this particular page (which should be frequently), I will just change the "last updated" date, above.

Sources Searched|Research Assigned/Accepted|Suggestions for Future Research
Search Results relating to: Vias|Related surnames|Amer|Importers|Huguenots|
Be sure to also check out the Overseas Vias pages (although Amer is not there yet).

Sources Searched

Record Name Author/Publisher/Call # Repository Researcher Searched For Results
Bottin Mondain     Leon Via Vias not found
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, Patent Book No. 6 Nell Marion Nugent  LVA Judy Pons Aubrey 1675 - William's importation, I1
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, Patent Book No. 6 Nell Marion Nugent  LVA Judy Pons, Jewell Via Rea/Webb/Amer 1677 - Amer's importation, I4
Early Child Immigrants sent to Va 1619-1642, p. 43, entry 451 Robert Hume; Magna Carta Book Co.
Baltimore, MD
  Buddy Viers Vias R2
Early Settlers of Maryland Skordas, p. 477   Sue Bishop Vias R4
Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 Greer, p. 338   Sue Bishop Vias R5
Executive Journal of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol 3     Bob/Lisa Price Vias R1
Famiglie Nobili Dello Stato Italianio (a diary of Italian nobility)     Leon Via Vias V2
Family History:  Va Genealogies #1 pre 1600-1900's, CD162 Broderbund Software   Judy Pons Aubrey I2
Family History: Va Genealogies #2 Broderbund Software   Judy Pons Aubrey I3
Filiations Protestantes-France     Leon Via Vias not found
Foreign Protestants in England Cooper, 1862   Judy Pons Vias not found
The French Blood in America Lucian Fosdick   Jewell Via Vias not found
French Colonists and Exiles in the United States J.G. Rosentargen   Jewell Via Vias not found
French Huguenots From Mediterranean Catholics to White Anglo-Saxon Protestants Abraham D. Lavander    Leon Via Amer not found
Hanover County Taxpapers, Saint Paul's Parish, 1782-1815 William Ronald Cocke III   Judy Pons Vias tax records
"The Hearth Tax Returns for Atherstone Division of Warwickshire" (which 
includes the Parishof Noneaton)
    Judy Pons Vias R3
Henrico Co. Index to Colonial Records   Reel 50, LVA Judy Pons Vias not found--index covers:
  • Deeds & Wills 1677-1692
  • Order Books & Wills 1678-1693
  • Order Book 1695-1699
  • Orphans Court 1677-1739
  • Deeds & Wills 1688-1697
Huguenot Emigration to America Charles W. Baird   Jewell Via Vias/Huguenots H2
Huguenot Immigration To the Netherlands Roll Verw-Villaine; 0199946 FHL Judy Pons Vias H3
The Huguenot Migration in Europe and America, Its Cause and Effect C. Malcolm B. Gilman    Leon Via Amer not found
Huguenot Society of America by council members   Jewell Via Vias not found
Huguenots, Their Settlements, Churches, Industries in England and Ireland Samuel Smiles, 1867   Jewell Via Vias not found
King William Parish lists 1710-14     Leon Via Related families R7
La France Protestants     Leon Via Vias not found 
Languedoc Protestants     Leon Via Vias not found
Lists of Foreign Protestants and Aliens in England, 1618-1688 William Durrant Cooper   Judy Pons Vias not found
Memorials to the Huguenots in America Rev. A. Stapleton   Jewell Via Vias not found
Men of Matadequin     Leon Via Amer A2
National Huguenots Society Bible Records edited by Arthur Louis Finnell   Jewell Via Vias not found
The Planters of Colonial Virginia Thomas J. Wertenbaker, Princeton 
University Press, Princeton 1922
  Leon Via Amer A1
Register of the French Church of New York Edited by Rev. Alferd V. Wittmeyer   Jewell Via Vias not found
Trail of the Huguenots G. Elmore Reamon   Judy Pons Vias not found
Turff and Twigg: The French Lands Priscilla Harriss Cabell, p. 416   Leon Via Related names R6
Virginia Genealogy:Sources and Resources Carol McGinnis; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993; Baltimore, MD   Jordan Jones Huguenots  H1, V1
Virginia Migrations, Hanover County 1723-1871, Vol 1, p. 24 Eugenia G. Glazebrook,1949   Bob/Lisa Price Vias Reference to Claudius Vial
Virginia Tax Records Gary Parks; Genealogical Publishing Co.   Judy Pons Amer 50 acre land tax
 (misc papers)     Julia Crosswell  Related names R8

Research in-progress

Record Name Author/Publisher/Call # Repository Researcher Searched For Results
Documents, Chiefly Unpublished, Relating to the Huguenot Emigration to Virginia and to the Settlement at Manakin-Town, with an Appendix of Genealogies R.A. Brock; Genealogical Publishing Co., 1966; Baltimore, MD   Bob/Lisa Price Huguenots  
Executive Journal of the Council of Colonial Virginia     Bob/Lisa Price Vias  
Henrico Co. Deeds Weisinger   Bob/Lisa Price Vias  
The Huguenot (periodical)    Bob/Lisa Price Via leads  
Planters and Pioneers: Life in Colonial Virginia Parke Rouse, Jr.; Hastings House Publishers, 1968; New York   Bob/Lisa Price Huguenots   
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 61-4 (Oct 1953), pp. 359-394  ("The French Huguenot Frontier Settlement of Manakin Town")  James L. Bugg, Jr.   Bob/Lisa Price Huguenots  

Suggestions for Future Research

Record Name Author/Publisher/Call # Repository Researcher Search For Results
Brief History of the Huguenots Dr. Steiin-Schneider, 1977         
History of the French Protestants M. Charles Weiss, 1854        
Huguenot Ancestry Currier-Briggs & Gambier, 1985        
Huguenot Heritage Dr. Robin Gwynn, 1985        
The Huguenots Otto Zoff         
The Italian Presence in Colonial Virginia, pp. 11-12, 19, 26, 30-1, 47 Glenn Weaver; Center for Migration Studies, 1988; New York      Via leads   
The Virginia Chronicle (newspaper)      Margaret Via Maupin's obituary in  1789  

Search Results


V1. "Other early Virginia families of Italian extraction include Cannida, Guanto, Lanier (Leaneare), Pardo and Via." p. 30
"Some individuals of Italian origin may have been among the French refugees at Manakin-Town."  p. 31

V2.  VIA (La): Oriuna di Guascogna passo in Sicilia nei sec. XIII. Cav. ereditari 1529. Castellani di S. Filippo e terre annesse 1547.  Feugat di Buterna e Grado (1555); Bar. di S. Agrippina (1674; Bar di Ficileno nei 1800; March. di Villarena 1855. Fior. nei ramo March. di Villarena e ramo Bar. di S. Aprippina.

Related Surnames

R1. p. 290 - 16 Nov 1711  Public hearing pertaining to John Veer's land in James City County.
p. 340 - 10 Jun 1712 Council held at the Capitol - Decision regarding John Veer's land.

R2. The preface gives a history of the Hospital and reads:
"In the summer of 1982 I chanced to enter the Church of St Brides in Fleet St., London.  The church, built by Sir Edward Christopher Wren, had been damaged during the war and restorations were still going on; but in the basement of the church was an exhibition relating to the history of the church and of Bridewell Hospital with which it had a close historical  associations. Bridewell was not a hospital when it was founded in the year 1553, but also a combination of prison, poor-house and school.  Among the exhibits in the church basement was a photocopy of a list of children from Bridewell who had been sent to the American Colonies in Virginia in the 1620's.  Inquiries as to the source of the document led nowhere as the Rector of St. Brides was a newcomer to the parish and was not responsible for the exhibition. Indeed, it
seemed unlikely that these records would still be in existence until, with the rector's help, it was discovered that the Bridewell Royal Hospital is still in existence and now located at Witley in Surry. Moreover it is still governed by the
Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen and nominated Common Councilmen of the City of London, as laid down in its original charter of 1553.  Correspondence with the Clerk to the Governors revealed that the Bridewell archives are not only still in
existence but contain the Court Minute Books dating back to 1559.  Doctor Hume visited Bridewell in November 1983 and discovered that microfilm of the copies of the Bridewell records are kept at the Bridewell/Royal Bethlem Hospital
Joint Archives in Beckenham, Kent, where they are easily accessible.  It was from these microfilms that the following names were copied."
--M.J Kaminkow.

There are about 500 names.  The block of names where Edward VERE is listed notes:
The following were all destined for the Barmothas/Burmoothas/Bermudas 27 May 1635
folio 46v; starts at entry 424 and goes  beyond Edwards name on entry 451 folio 189v.
IF he came to Virginia later and IF he survived the trip.

Entry 451: VERE-Edward VERE sent in by Constable Epwell in Bredstreete ward taken in the watch is willing to goe to Virginea. 3 Aug. 1638.  Copied from the records of Bridewell Royal Hospital.

R3.  These tax records list Daniel Veres, also called Veares, and Veirse, having a smiths hearth in the years 1663, 1663, 1665, 1666, 1669, 1670, and 1671.  Residing at the same time and place are Job Veares, William Veares, and John Vere.

This is interesting since I (Judy) believe the immigrants (Amer's) name to be William and the dates are just prior to the time William Vier was transported to Virginia.  Also, some family legends have it that William (Amer) was originally a blacksmith.

R4.  Job Vear   Liber 15, Folio 454  Transported 1677
This means that he was transported (passage paid by someone else) in 1677 and was able to take up land under the Conditions of Plantation.  Under certain of the Conditions of Plantation, a servant was entitled to claim fifty acres of land upon completing his period of servitude satisfactorily.

R5.  Virer, James, 1652 by John Robbins, Northhampton Co.

R6.  This book is a study of 10,000 acres donated by King William III to the French refugees who settled at Manakintowne on the southern bank of James River in the colony of Virginia in 1700.   A List of Ye Refugees lists Jaques Voyes.   He was one of 205 aboard the ship Mary Ann April 19, 1700.

R7.  The list of 1710 tithables from King William lists Pre. Videt (also Viet) and 1711- Pierre Viett.
The 1714 Parish list of King William lists Jean Voye, Daniel Maubain and Pierre Viet.

R8.  A list of 148 French Huguenots naturalized in 1705, including the name of John Voyer.


A1. In the Appendix on page 220 is Amer Via listed with 50 acres of land in the New Kent County Rent Roll from the land held by her Maj in the Parish of St. Peters and St. Pauls. Anno 1704.  The list has 100 people listed in the two parishes.  That is a very small amount of people. The names included are such names as James Blackwell, John Brown, John Eperson, Edmund and Thomas Harris, William and Benj. Harris, John, Francis and Evan Jones, John Sandidge, Wm., James and Geo Turner, Edward Walton, Mary Webb. These people all lived inside the County of New Kent.

A2.  The name "Matadequin" is the name of the Creek that in 1706 was the dividing line between St. Peters's Parish and the new St. Paul's Parish.  The portion above the mouth of the creek became the parish of St. Paul's Parish.  The land
procession returns made for the 14th day of March 1708/9 reveal the men named as in the 1689 processions now in the jurisdiction of St. Paul's Parish.  The overseers of the precinct #27 were Amor Viah and George Turner, in the company of James Blackwell,Sr., Robert Thompson, Edward Burnett, John Howard, and George Jones.  The Order had named the lands as those of James Blackwell Sr., George Turner, Benjamin Buckley, the widow Thompson, Gabriel Heath, John Barnet (Burnett), and Amor Viah.  The 1732 return lists Wiliam Via, Edward Burnett, Robert Thompson, Blackwells, Turners, and Goodmans.  These names are rather contant in the area.  Robert Via also is listed with the Turner family, Burnett, Thompsons, Goodwins and other families in the book about the same time.


H1.  "Huguenots continued to come to Virginia after 1700. Descendants of the Manakin-Town Huguenots moved to other areas of Virginia, including Amelia, Albemarle, Buckingham and Charlotte counties. Huguenot names scattered in Virginia after 1700 include 'd'Aubigne (Dabney), Bernard, Boissieux, ... Maupin... Taliaferro, and Valentine.'" p. 130

H2.  This book has a good description of the thousand Huguenots who came from England in 1700, a three month voyage, food rations, etc. and arrived at Jamestown.  Some went to Florida and some to South Carolina.  700 settled at Manakintown near the James River.

H3.  1.  Maride a Sedan le 10 Nov 1659 Viaire Jeane,  Vie Pierre Delnoncourt voyes Simeon, Isaic
2.  Baptise a Sedan le 26 Jan 1593 Marie Viar fille de Robert et Jeanne Passemintier Parrians Jean Petit et Marie Goffin
3.  Baptise a Sedan le 14 Nov 1630 Anne Viar fille de Jean serger et Marie Fromy Parrains Daniel Fromy, Sailleur et Anne Thomasian
4.  Maride a Sedan le 14 Juin 1643 Marie Viar Nicholas Routi
5.  Ingeteekend ti, den 6 Jan gehuwd in de Gr Kerk den Gravenhage 1647 Louis Viar j m wit Frankryk en Maria Cotter j d beide won hier
6.  Maride __ la Hage 6 Jan 1647 Louis Viar et Marie Cottet
7.  Maride __ le Hage 10 April 1666 Pierre Viar et Sara Norecke
8.  Baptise le 28 December 1597 Catherine Fille de Claude Vye
9.  Maride a Sedan le 22 Juin 1670 Daniel Vier Manovorier Age de 54, demeurant a Sedan et Catherine Desgueu fille de
Pierre Savilleur Marie Billot, age de 42


1.  Hen. Awberry, 480 acs. Rappa Co., adj. his own land & neare the road path to Puscation Cr., 3 Sept 1669.  Trans of 10 persons.

2.  Henry Awberry, 1530 acs. Rappa Co., S. side sd Riv., 23 Mar. 1671/2.  1050 acs on S side of Hoskins Cr., adj. Thomas Browning; by Nanzatico Patch &c. granted him 9 Apr 1664; 480 acs. adj. neere the road path to Puscatiocond Cr., &c., granted him 3 Sept. 1639.

3.  Mr. Henry Aubery, 5100 acs. Rappa. Co., bet. brs of Pascattaway & Hodkins Creeks & br. of Mattapony River; 4 Oct. 1675.  Trnas of 102 pers.  [This is the one for transporting Wm. Vier]

4.  Mr. Henry Awbery, 6630 acs., Rappa Co., 10 July 1680, 1050 acs. on S. side of Hoskins Cr; adj. Thomas Browning; by Nanjattico Path; by maine run of Hoskins Cr., as appeares by patt. of sd Awbery 9 Apr. 1664; 480 acs. adj. same; neare the road path that goes to Puscaticon Cr. granted him 23 Mar. 1671/2; 5100 acs. bet. brs. of Piscataway Cr, Hodgkins Cr. & br. of Mattapony Riv; beg by an Indian path; nigh the new road by Gillonn's Mill; to the head of Paggett & Gouldman &c; granted sd Awberey 19 Mar. 1677/8.

5.  Mr. Henery Awbery, 189 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., at mouth of Occupation Cr., 20 Apr 1684.  Trans of 4 pers.

6.  Mr. Henry Awbery, 1200 acs. Rappa Co. on S. side of the river, upon the maine pocoson of Hoskins Cr. 30 May 1688.  Trans of 20 pers.

I2. Thomas Todd sold June 18, 1734, a tract of 650 acres in Essex (Co., Virginia) which "came to him as heir at law of his father" for th enominal sum of 5 shillings to William Roane of Essex, planter, suggests a possible connection with the purchaser.  In this deed the grantor is described as of Baltimore County, Maryland, gentleman, and the land as part of a tract of 5100 acres, patented Oct. 4, 1625 and again Mar. 19, 1627 by Mr. Henry Aubery and as bounding on Hoskins Creek and the lands of Gouldman.

I3.  Max(imilian) Robinson, late of Rederiffe, Marriner bound out to Sea. Will 28 October 1694; proved 8 October 1695.  Imprimis I bequeath my Soule to God etc.  (2) To my Neece Anne Robinson the Daughter of James Robinson all Household goods and a Trunke of Goods in hands of Mr. Dealesly.  Alsoe my 32 part of Ship Jeffery with proffits from present Voyate (3) To Margarett Bridger my Goddaughter money left in Alderman Bristows hands which I presume may be about 70 pounds to put out to Interest till her marriage (4) Whereas I have on Eighth of Ship Avarelia and near 200 pounds Adventure in her if please God She safe arrive in England the part of the Shipp to brother Henneage Robinson and whatever else I have in her to be divided to brother James Robinson, Tho. Creeston, Ann Robinson and Elizabeth Haney daughters of my late wife and the Sonn of my brother John Robinson by his first wife (5) To Maximilian Haney sonn of my wife's Daughter Tract of Land lieing in New Kent alias King and Queene County which I bought of Mr. Breeding and one Negro woman named Pendot with what children she hath (6) To Nephewes William Robinson and James Robinson my Tract of Land lying in Rappa. river comonly Called Southings Ferry provided they or hee that live to 19 actually go and live on Land.  Also to said nephews all Negroes English Servants Stocke and
cattles-rest of Estate etc etc at age of 20 of eldest of eldest Three Nephewes a Division to be made and Eldest to have his part, the other to be in hands of Mr. Henry Awbery, and Mr. John Deane to be delivered at same age at first notices of my death, said Henry Awbrey and John Deane to take Custody of Estate and Improve it and Shipp the Croops yearly to Mr. Robert Bristow junior if living, otherwayes to Mr. Phillip Richards (7) To Mr. Robert Bristow junior 10 pounds for mourning, to Mr. Henry Awbrey and Mr. John Deane 5 pounds each.  (The Robinson family was apparently from Yorkshire in England)

[The reason I included this entry is because it seems to tie Henry Aubrey in to England and in to shipping.  Maybe we can look for more information on the ships listed.]

I4.  Vol 2 shows Jno and John Webb about 10 times.  One mentions land that borders John Webb [New Kent Co jvs]

 John Rea few entries.  One entry on  Webb describes land deserted by John Wray  [may be Rea jvs]

 John Rea was described as "Mariner" when he gets own land.

 It doesn't appear Rea and Webb did much together.