Overseas Vias


Here is some of the information about the de Via Bishops.  I found this in a French Library near Paris.  I don't know if or how they are related to the VIA family.  Source: Les Papes D' Avignon (1305-1378) Letouzey & Ane', Paris, 1949 Nihil obstat- lutetiae Parisiorum by G. Mollat. p. 483 and 43.
1. Bernarde de Via (Cardinal appointed by Pope Jean XXII) (page 483)
    Jacques de Via (Cardinal appointed by Pope Jean XII) (page 43).
Some background historical context is found in: Lives of the Popes by Richard P. McBrian, HarperCollins Publications SanFrancisco, CA. 1997
Pope Jean XXII was Pope from August 7, 1316 to December 4, 1334. He was the second of the Avignon Popes.  He was born Jacques Duese (of Cahors), he was the cardinal-bishop of Porto at the time of the election to the papacy on August 7, 1316 in Lyons after the death of Clement V.  Jacques was 72 years old at the time of his election.  He was crowed in Lyons on Sept. 5, by Cardinal Napoleone Orsini. He lasted 18 years as Pope.  All of the Pope Jean XII appointments to the college of Cardinals were French except for one Spaniard and 4 Romans.  His worst fault was nepotism, bestowing money, gifts and church offices on relatives and friends.  Two of these relatives were his nephews Barnarde and Jacques.  This Pope is known for opening the church in Armenia, India and Iran and beginning the papal library of Avignon.  He also founded the university in Cahors.   He died on December 4, 1344 at age 89 and was buried in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame-desDoms in Avignon.
-- from Leon Via


1450 Jaquelina Via (female) born in Paris, Seine, France, wife of Lambert Uthmann (IGI; FHL #446255)
-- from Leon Via


1637 Baptism of Jean Vio
-- from Leon Via (Index of Baptism Records of Montauban, 1637-43, p. 15)

1642 Marie Via (female) approx. birth date in St-Nicolas-Des -Champs, Paris , Seine, France
Father: Robert Vie    Mother: Sainte Paulin     (IGI; FHL # 502506)
-- from Leon Via

I found the following at the Walloon Archives in Amsterdam and the Central Bureau voor Genealogie in Den Haag, Netherlands.
This is a baptism record of Pierre Via in 1651.
Baptise' a' Montauban le 19 Mars, 1651
Via, Pierre,
fil, de Jean,
et de Anne Baissiere
-- from Leon Via

Louis VIA, né le 14 mai 1666, décédé le 22 janvier 1724.
allié le 28 octobre 1686 - , Chessy, SEINE ET MARNE, à Marie MAILLET, décédée le 23 juillet 1703, dont
Louis VIA, born 14 may 1666, died 22 january 1724.
married 28 october 1686 - , Place: Chessy, Seine et Marne, to Marie MAILLET, died 23 july 1703
-- from Bob & Lisa Price (communication from Mr. Gogel, a French researcher)

I found a reference to a Via who was a minister (Huguenot) in France in the city of Sabarat.
Source: Essai sur L'Histoire Du Protestantisme dans la Generalalite De Mountauban sous l'Intendance de N.-J Foucault 1674-1684.  Documents in edits Carte et gravures hors-texte.  by Robert Garrisson.  Publication Du Musee' Du Desert en Cevennes, page 261-261. Liste des pasteurs et anciens qui assisterent aux synodes du Haut-Languedoc et de la Haute-GuSynode de Millau, 18 Octobre 1674.
Colloque de Foix:  Sabaret: le sr   de Via, Ministre. It is interesting to note that from the Colloque de Foix region their were 9 churches. But, only two of the nine came to the Synod.  Ministre de Via and Ministre de la Riviere from Le Mas-d'Azil.  The other church were Saverdun, Calmont, Carla, La Bastide-de-Leran, Les Bordes, Camarade, Maseres and the two above.  Five had letters of d'excuse and two were absents. I believe that Ministre de Via could be one of our relatives from the south of France.
-- from Leon Via

Also in Montauban the name N. de Bia or DEBIA appears in records in judgment by the Jesuits who charged this man for being
a relapsed heretic. He was jugded and banished in 1683 by the parliament of Toulouse .
-- from Leon Via

As You may know a Via Coat of Arms says VIA (da) from Bologne. It is a lion  stand on two feet with his tongue out and tail up holding a feur-de-lis in his hands representing purity. The back ground is red on the bottom and white on the top.
-- from Leon Via

Source: Association Oath Rolls: British Plantations 1696  --Thanks, Buddy
                                        THE HAGUE
Your Magesties subjects residing at the Hague.
Phil McDonald Henry Yorkes Jean Vie
John Chamers John Lillie John Colbert
Richard Ball James Mercer George Jefferson
Thomas Harrison Abram Fletcher

We your Magesty's most dutiful and Loyal Subjects, residing in the Province of Holland have thought it equally our duty to sign the above written Association, as if we were actually in Your Majesty's Realms and Dominions and we humbly take this occasion to assure Your Majesty that we sincerely acknowledge the hand of Providence in the preservation of Your Majesty's Most Sacred Person from the late horrid Conspiracy, and that we do ardently offer up our Prayers to the Almighty God for the Continuance of Your Majesty's life and the prosperity of Your Government as any of your Majesty's dutifull and Loyal Subjects.  Wheresoever all the Hague this first day of May 1696.

[Jean Vie could become John if the king rewarded him with land in Virginia.]