Trusting from the Bottmo's Edge

Trusting from the bottom's edge
Where the strength has fallen out,
When nothing looks like light,
By faith giving victory shout.

Trusting from the bottom's edge
When fear tries to control,
Knowing when our God is good,
Not desolate of heart and soul.

Trusting from the bottom's edge,
Every circumstance against the Word
But faith pointing to the victory,
Glorifying Him that my heart heard.

Trusting from the bottom's edge,
The Truth established to free
From the things that attack
Not ruled by what I feel or see.

Trusting from the bottom's edge,
Joy enlightens in the day
When trouble tries to overcome,
All glory to eternity's Way.

Trusting from the bottom's edge,
For I know my Father's heart,
How He loves me without measure,
His all given to set apart.

Trusting from the bottom's edge
Laughter bubbles full and free
As I abandon myself to Him
Knowing He encompasses and keeps me.

© 1999 Donna Faulkner Pyle

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