My Children

Lord, Your Word says You will contend
With those that contend with me,
That even the lawful captive
Will be by You set free.

Your Word says that You will save
My children, I refuse the fear
That tries to overtake my heart
For You've spoken and I hear.

Your Word says that my children
Shall be taught of the Lord,
Obedient to Your Word and will,
Faith coming by Your Spirit's sword.

You said that my children will have
Great peace as their dwelling place
And, Lord, I hold Your Word to You,
Faith standing by Your wondrous grace.

And I see it with my faith eyes,
Not looking at their circumstance
But at Your firm, reliable Word,
Not at "will" or "luck" or "chance."

For You are the faithful God
Every promise now Yea and Amen,
So I stand and speak Your truth
Knowing only that You will win.

And I praise You!

Isaiah 49:25
Isaiah 54:13
II Corinthians 1:20

©1996 Donna Faulkner Pyle

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