My Father's Business
My Father's in the business of giving
Wings on which to soar,
Dreams to dream,
A Living Water stream,
He is fulfillment's Way, the Door.

My Father says I can do all things
Through Christ, His resurrected Son,
He has set me free,
Enabling to be
Participant in the victory He won.

My Father has given me wings to fly,
Dreams only He can fulfill
By the power of the Name
Of Him who came
Wholly doing the Father's will.

My Father's in the business of meeting
The dreamer on holy ground,
Supplying faith and seed
To meet each need
For in faith, we succeed, abound.

My Father's in the business of loving
The unlovable with holy zeal,
Sending His Son,
The victory won,
Keeping with His own Spirit's seal.

©1996 Donna Faulkner Pyle

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