This Week End Theme business is wonderful....
I am enjoying the learning process more than I can say.
Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of time to devote to the process.
One of these days I will either be able to take a vacation,
or have a high powered laptop,
(that will allow me to do more graphics work) while I'm away from home.
The more I learn the more I enjoy -
the more I enjoy, the more I realize I just don't have a clue.

I have missed so many WET Projects
that they either haven't been posted at all,
or have been to late to post, and no one has seen them.
This is a great way to display my feeble efforts....
and I hope you enjoy at least some of them.

WET 1999

I didn't learn about "WeekEnd Theme" until week 14!
I did go back and catch up on 13 just because....... :-)

As each new week is posted I will change the week here also.
"WEEK 59"

Wet13 Wet14 Wet15 Wet16 wet16 Wet17
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I welcome any and all suggestions!

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