My Dream Setting

This is an effort to make navigation though this site a little easier!

Less difficult and more tied together is the goal.

Hopefully the attempt at this page will be successful.

I guess we'll see how it goes -

I'm pretty sure, it'll be different than most content pages,

but - As long as it's effective - it's a good thing. :-)

Things I'd Like To Share

Our Place In The Pines About Us Just A Little About Us
June 99 Update!
"Mt Baker Washington"
My Heart

Special Portraits Just The Two of Us Us and Others..
"John and Steph"
"John and Mike"

Our Beautiful Grandchildren

Robbie Rissa Mikey Timmy Maddy

In Order of Birth: Robbie, Marissa, Michael, Timothy, Madeleine...............................
There's always room for more :-)

Our Furry Friends

Our Tribute Joy Loving Friend
Hunter Tabs Friend
The Newest Jasmine Family Member

Home !

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