We are glad that you decided to meet are cats. We think that we are their owners, but they think that they own us. Let's think about his, I am the one that goes to work to supply them with a home and food. While they stay home all day to play and sleep.
Barney is a Male three year old orange Tabby. He is a loveable cat. We saved Barney he was a very sick kitty. He was left at a friend's farm because some people had decided that owning a kitten was too much work. Barney was very sick the day we brought him home. He was under nourished, the size of a three-month kitten, although he was six months old. He had bronchitis, infected eyes, and fleas. Today Barney is very healthy, thanks to our veterinarian, and our love.
Barney's favorite things are:
Isabelle is a female mostly white, with a black tale and two slack spots on her back. She looks so pretty, but don't be fooled. She is always into something. She likes our attention all the time. Isabelle does not like to be picked up, although she will follow us to make sure we are not out of site.
We saved Isabelle too. In November 1996, just after Thanks giving, It was snowing heay enough for Jim to be plowing a parking lot. Jim saw a very small white kitten caught behind an ice machine. She was so small. The owner of the store said that heir was a stray litter of kittens around. Well need less to say Jim brought her home, and we had another member to our family.
Isabelle's favorite things are:
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