Lasswell/Lacewell/Lacefield This was compiled by Denzil D. Garrison in Feb. 1994 since then he has found earlier records in England the two previous ancestors listed for William. ( The term fellmonger means trader in hides).
The earliest account we have of the Lasswell family is the record of the immigration of our English ancestor to the American Colonies, This record is found in the book, IMMIGRATION TO THE MIDDLE COLONIES, edited by Michael Tepper, and published by the Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. of Baltimore, Md. 1979. "This list was compiled from West Jersey records, containing names of those who came over and settled on the land bought by themselves or their fafmilies in England, or acquired as immigrants under the law of the day", in 1664. (Berthold Fernow). The following entry is shown on the list: "Lasswell, Wm., of Colchester, Co. of Essex, fellmonger". Although all the persons listed did not come to America, William Lasswell did come. See PATENTS AND DEEDS AND OTHER RECORDS OF NEW JERSEY, 1664-1703, edited by William Nelson, and published by the Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. of Baltimore, Md. 1982, The entries are shown on pages 295, 468, and 477.
It is interesting to note that William left N.J. in 1687, and took up land in Md. in 1689. Actually, the Md. land is only about 75-80 miles from the N.J. land. A long way in those days.
The earliest listing found is Robert b 1559 Cambridge, England, children were Randell b 1782/83 married Anne 1610, Thomas b 1585, Robert b 1584 married Jane Bonnie.
Robert b 1584 Cambridge, England married Jane Bonnie 1608, children Jane, Robert b 1610 married Ann 1632, there children were Lettes, Robert b 1631 married Ester,
William b 1633, William b 1636, d 1722 Md., ThomaS B 1638 married Elizabeth, Janne b 1644, Ann (Ane) b 1646. Some records show spelling as Lossell
William b 1636 Cambridge, England d 1722 Md wife unknown, children Isaac b 1689 N.J., d 1726 Va., wife Jane, Ann b 1692 Md.,William Chandler, John b 1695 Md. D 1744 Va., married Margaret Lee, Jacob b 1698 Md. Married (1)Elizabeth, (2) Rebecca Beecroft, Mary b 1701 Md., married Jacob Brinks, Jennet b 1704 Md., married John Phillps.
John b 1695 Md., married Margaret Lee children William Sr., b 1739 Va d 1807 Ky., married Mary Ann, Ezekiel b 1742 Va.MARYLAND
From N.J., William moved to Talbot Co., Md. Research in the Maryland State Archives, in Annapolis, Md., has revealed much information about William, the immigrant ancestor, and his sons. The records of him in Md. are listed in Mr. Garrisons book.
Since William, the immigrant ancestor, received a certificate for the Talbot Co., Md., 100 acre tract known as "Sought Out"; on 10 April, 1689, it is important that the same tract was conveyed to Edward Turner on 22 June, 1722, by Isaac Lasswell. There is no evidence of a conveyance from William to Isaac. The only logical explanation of this is that William must have died in Md. befor 22 June, 1722, and Isaac had inherited the land from his father, under the laws of interstate succession in force at that time. As the oldest son, Isaac would have inherited the land. Then, in1726, John Lasswell, he deeds "Hopewell" to Thomas Davis. In 1727, denoting himself as the resident of Virginia, and as an heir of William, he deeds "Ladford" to John Elder. Under the same laws of succession, John would have inherited the lands, only as the oldest son. Thus, it appears that Isaac must have been deceased before John conveyed these tracts to Davis and Elder.
From the Md. records, it appears that William died in Md., obviously leaving three sons: Isaac, the oldest, John the second born, and jacob, the youngest. As we shall see, all three of these sons migrated ot Va., after the death of William the immigrant, their father. They were in Va. by the year 1727, when John stated so in the deed to John Elder.
The Lasswell brothers settled in Stafford Co., Va. on Goose Creek. They and their descendants remained there for many years. Goose Creek remained a part of Stafford Co. until 1730/1, when it became a part of Prince William Co. then, in 1742, it became a part of Fairfax Co. Finally, in the year 1757, Goose Creek became a part of Loundoun Co., Va. In the book VIRGINIA NORTHERN NECK LAND GRANTS, 1694-1742, Compiler, Gertrude E. Gray, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md., 1987, shows records left in Va. by these brothers Isaac, John and Jacob Lasswell, amd their brothers-in-law Jacob Binks, William Chandler and John Phil(l)ips.
William moved to N.C. before the Revolutionary war at the time N.C. was divided between the Patriots and the Loyalists (Tories) Surry Co. was a hotbed of Tories one of their leaders was the famous Col John Bryan in A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION by John R. Alden states There were, proportionately, more pugnacious Tories in the Carolinas and Georgia that in most parts of America. William bough land in N.C. in Sept 12 1761
Records on the Revolutionary War service is scarce at the end of the war the places where the records of the Loyalists were in most part destroyed. There are records of Joseph Lasswell in the Troy militia none of the rest of the Lasswell's show up on any of the records. In a interview with Jesse Franklin, a nephew of Col. Benjamin Cleveland, On one occasion, a Tories party under Jos. Lasefield captured him, and had him ready to swing off, when he said, "You have me completely in your power: but if you hang me, it will prove the dearest day's work you ever performed: and he will never cease the chase while a solitary one of you survives." though they hung him, the bridle with which they did it broke, and he fortunately dropped into the saddle of his horse, bounded away and escaped."
Joseph Lacefield (Laswell,Lasswell, Lasefield) was tried and sentenced by the Morgan Superior Court, in March, 1783. In THE STATE RECORDS OF NORTH CAROLINA, collected and edited by Walter Clark, Vol. XVI 1782-1783, Nash Brothers, Goldsboro, N.C. 1899, The following letter from governor Alex. Martin, is shown
Gov. Martin to the General Assembly
( from the Executive Letter Book )
I send herwith sundry petitions in favor of persons under sentence of death for high Treason, to-wit: from Burke & Rutherford Co., in behalf of Joseph Lacefield and John Thomson, convicted at Morgan Superior Court, March term last, to be executed the 16th of May.
The executive have (sic) been distressed with a number of wretches condemned heretofore for Treason, who, on enquiry into their particular cases, have thought them beneath the notice of public justice, and have generally pardoned them on their enlisting into the Continental Service of Eighteen months.
As prosecutions of this kind are daily carried on, and the courts of Justice worried with them, I beg the sense of the Honorable, the Legislature, as the Supreme Council of the State, with regard to the above persons; also request that some law be passed, that the Judicial and Executive powers of government be directed how to conduct themselves in future towards this Class of people.
In VOLUME XIX 1782-1784 pp 246-247 of the same publication, we find the Legislature's response to the Governor's communication:
Resolved, that it be recommended to his Excellency the Governor to grant a pardon of their several offences to Joseph Lacefield, et al, who are each of them now under sentence of death, and who have been severally recommended to his Excellency as objects deserving of Conviction and others by sundry Gentlemen of reputable characters who are personaly acquainted with them and their former conduct in life.
Ordered that the above resolve be sent to the Senate for concurrence. Ordered that the message from His Excellency the Governor be also sent to the
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:
The resolve of your House of this day recommending to his Excellency the governor th grant pardons to certain persons therein named, now under sentence of death, we have concurred with and caused the same to be handed the governor. 21 April 1783.
William Sr. b 1739 Va. D 1807 Ky., wife Margaret Lee
, children Joseph b 1758 Va. d 1839 Tn., Benjamin b 1761 d 1823 Ky married Elizabeth Corbin, William b 1762 N.C., wife Fanny (Francis), Daniel b 1764 N.C. d 1820 Tn., married Peggy Hogue, John b 1766, wife Nancy. For some reason it was at this point that some of the family used Lacefield Joseph was the first to show up in records when he used that name while in the Tories Army. In the Ky records they used Lacefield in the census records but a lot of the land records was recorded as Lasswell, also some of the marriage records one name would be used for the father and another for the party getting married. At this point after the war William and his sons moved to Ky., Daniel then went to Tn., then to Mo., and back to Weakly Co., Tn.,Daniel b 1794 Va. b 1820 Tn., Married Peggy Hogue children Esther, married Henry Monie (Mooney), Betty, married John Horton, Polly, married William Roberts, Daniel b 1785 N.C. d 1828 Tn. married Sarah Horton, Joseph b 1793 N.C. d aft 1850 Tn., marriedElizabeth Zimmerman, Peter. The Lasswells stayed in Weakly Co for quite a while some of the family still live there, Joseph moved to Obion Co. In the early 1840's. The part of Weakly Co., that they settled was later to become Obion Co., the part of Obion Co. ThatJoseph settled was to become Lake Co.. Dale Pollock had copies of land records ofJohnathan Pollocks that have Joseph's signature on them as witness, the property was located around Realfoot Lake.
A letter written to the Paper at Fulton KT/TN by one of Daniel's sons (brother of Joseph) tells of the family moving from NC. To Ky then to TN. Then going to Mo and deciding they liked Tn better and so settlings in Weakly Co. in the letter it names Joseph and Elizabeth as his uncle and brother to his father Daniel.
Joseph b 1793 N.C., d aft 1850 Tn., married Elizabeth Zimmerman b 1800 Ind., d aft 1860 Mo., children Mary b 1832, Daniel Jack b 1829 Tn., d 1898 Mo., married Fredonia Pollock.
Daniel Jack b 1829 Tn., d 1898 Mo., married Fredonia Pollock b 1836 Tn., d 1871 Mo., children Jonathan Franklin (Bud) b 1852 Tn., married (1) Margaret Parlie Bridges, (2) Flora. Joseph Pierpont/Plummer (Joe) b 1854 Tn., d 1919 Mo., married Nancy Sorilda King. Leander Jack (Lee Jack) b 1857 Mo., d 1908 Mo., married Louraine Smith.,
William Daniel (Billy) b 1861 Mo., d 1937 Fl., married Jennie Louisa Guinn. Given Nathaniel (Doc) b 1869 Mo., d 1952 Mo., married Nancy A. Stewart.
Daniel and his family moved to Four Mile, Mo. Around 1856, Johnathan Pollock Fredonia's father moved there about the same time. Four Mile became a town around 1855 the Lasswells and Pollocks names come up often in the records of Four Mile but with the coming of the railroad around 1870 the people and business begin moving to what is now Campbell, Mo. Where the Lasswell brothers were involved with getting the town of Campbell going. Campbell is only about 2 miles from Four Mile, Daniel house where he brought up his sons is between the two places, Johnathans property was just west of Campbell.
Daniel married Mrs Isabella Bray in 1872.
There is much written in the history of Campbell on the Lasswell brothers, they had a general store and a sawmill, Bud had a cotton gin at Four Mile and Daniel had a store there also. The brothers became well of at one time they had over 50,000 acres of land they were cutting. Billy ran the depot for the train in Campbell as well, they also owned there on train that they brought the logs to town on. When they sold out around 1915 they had made quite a sum of money. My Great Grandfather was the first of the brothers to die in 1908. Billy went on to buy more land around Kennett and to sell it off and become a very rich man.
Most of what I have on the Pollocks was given to me by my cousin Dale Pollock George W. Polk Scotland, John Pollock b1699 Scotland, William b 1729 Md., d 1812 Tn., children Thomas b 1758 Md., married Susanna Curd, Henry b 1772 Md. d 1850/60 Tn., married Mary Kirkman b 1772 Md., d 1840/50 Tn., children John L. b 1794 N.C. d 1865 Tn. married (1) Manerva W. (2) Elizabeth Jennings, William b 1797 N.C. d 1891 N.C. married Sarah Hymer, James Kirman b 1799 N.C. d 1871 married (1) Sarah Annie Jennings (2) Nancy Wood Hightower, Daniel b 1802 N.C. married Roda Christian, Elisha b 1804 N.C. married Martha Christian, Luke b 1805 N.C., Nathaniel b 1807 N.C., David S. b N.C. married Mary McElyea, Mary b 1812 married Albert Floyd, Alfred b 1819 married (1) Charity, (2) Mary, Johnathan b 1805 N.C. d 1888 Mo. married(1) Nancy S. Knight (2) Mary Jane Timberman, Amy married Joseph Lancaster. Some researchers
do not put Amy and Johnathan in Henry's family but Johnathan claimed David who married Mary McElyea as his brother, also Marys brothers had also moved to the area with some of the other early settlers and claimed kin to the Pollocks.Johnathan
b 1805 N.C. d 1888 Mo., married (1) Nancy S. Knight b 1810 Md. d 1854 Tn. children Andrew Jackson b 1831 Tn. d 1870 Mo. married Nancy Snow, Robert b 1833 Tn d 1888 Mo married M.H. Ward, Mary J. b 1834 Tn d 1909 Mo married (1) Elias J. Fite (2) J.R. White, Fredonia b 1836 Tn d 1871 Mo married Daniel Jack Lasswell, John H. b 1846 Tn d 1888 Mo married Mineriva Bridges, Obadiah b 1846 Tn d 1846 Tn.,Millier J. b 1853 Tn., Mary Ann b 1853 Tn d Mo married Leander Jasper Taylor, (2) Mary Jane Timberman b 1836 Ind. D 1888 Mo. children Thomas P b 1857 Mo d 1883 Mo, Lee Daniel Columbus b 1861 Mo d 1938 Mo married Flora Isabel Porter, Dora A. b 1866 d 1886 married Mr. SpenceNote in doing research on Daniels mother on Zimmerman I have found that Zimmerman and Timberman are the same families.
George Kirkman b 1684 Md d 1749 Md married Elizabeth Griffith, b 1684 Md d 1749 Md children, James b 1715 Md d 1790 N.C. wife Mary, George b 1713 Md d 1783 Md. James & Mary's children Elisha b 1748 Md d 1840 N.C., George b 1735 Md d 1820 N.C., William b 1743 Md d 1791 N.C. Elisha b 1748 Md d 1840 N.C. wife unknown b 1749 Md d 1800/10 N.C. children Mary b 1772 Md d 1840/50 Tn Married Henry Pollock, William b 1776/82 Md d 1840 N.C., Elizabeth b 1779 Md, James b 1779/84 Md d 1819 N.C., Leven b 1783 N.C. d 1858 N.C. Ann b 1784/90 Md 1834 N.C., Sarah b 1784/90 Md d 1843 N.C., Telitha b 1790 Md., John b 1793 N.C. d 1853 N.C., Charity b 1794 N.C. d 1839 N.C., George b 1794 N.C. d 1850 N.C.
Leander Jack (Lee Jack) Lasswell
b 1857 Mo., d 1908 Mo., married Louraine Smith b 1856 Mo d 1936 Mo., they had the following children Walter b 1879 Mo d Mo married Josie Woods, Jennie b 1880 Mo d 1884 Mo, Verdia b mo d 1961 Il married William Gray, Gertie b 1886 d 1887, Joseph Franklin b 1886 ? Mo d 1961 Mo married (1) Emma Lou Reed (2) Pearl Holms ( Joseph lied about his age to get married the first time his actual birth year was probably 87 or 88, George b 1890 Mo d 1890 Mo, two girls, one boy b 1891 Mo d 1891 Mo., Carry M. b 1892 Mo d 1899 Mo., Inez Lasswell b 1895 Mo d 1984 Mo married (1)William N. Scobey (2) Buren Pleasant, Gussie b 1897 d 1898 Mo..Lee Jack and Louraine some times spelled Lou Raine
out of 13 childen only four lived to adulthood.Schmit / Smith
Aaron Schmitt b Germany
married Elizabeth (Betty) Weatherly, the story goes that Aaron was a Veterinarian in Germany he met Elizabeth, who was on the way to America. Aaron got a job and worked his way on ship to pay his way, then followed Elizabeth to Rocky Mount, N.C. where they got married. Children Delilah, Sarah, Arron Weatherly b 1827 N.C. married Delilah Matilda (Caroline) Lancaster. The story goes that their parents were against their getting married so they changed their name to Smith, In searching I have found that Delilah's parents might have been Joseph Lancaster Sr the father of Joseph Lancaster that married Amy Pollock. There children were Amelia Jane married Anderson, Katherine (Katie), Matilda (Martha) b 1848 Tn married Elijah Slaughter, John Henry b 1850 Tn., Harvey Washington b 1852 Tn d 1927 Mo., Delilah b 1854 Tn married Benton Benson, Louraine b 1856 Mo d 1936 Mo married Leander Jack LasswellMy Great Grandmother Louranie said she was living at Four Mile during the Civil War and that her father had died by this time I know that her brother Harvey and three of her sisters were living in the area after the war.
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