Family Trails
Part 3Family Lines of Tullos/Tullis/Tellis, Tucker. Birmingham, Weaver, Swink, Reids/Rails. Bell, Mills, Hicks, Weeks, Chase, Robinson, Barrett, Mason, & Rodham
The earliest name we have at this time is Claudius Cloud Tullos was born Abt. 1641 in Scotland or England and died 1700 in Northumberland Co. Va. . He married SARAH RODHAM ? Abt. 1661, daughter of MATTHEW RODHAM.
See Chap 26 of " The Palmers and Parmers of N. C., Al, and Ms. with related lines of Gates, Hays, Layton, May, Masagum Ponder, Ross, Rouse, Drury and other early Simpson Co. Ms. Families. " by John Palmer, Ph.D., 878 Wildwood Trail, Santa Rosa, Ca. (707) 53SB0252, privately published in 1988.
The Work of Mr. Cochran, published in the "Colonist Genealogist," Vol. 6, #4, page 551 notes "Cloud Tullis (sic) was granted a King's patent for 100 acres of land in Northumberland Co. colony of Va., on 27 June 1665 by Sr. William Berkeley, Knight Governor. The patent was granted for the transportation of two persons, Dorecas ZHinton and John Rosse (or Roffe) and the land was described as being on the Chicacone River in Northumberland County and bounded by the lands of Robert Lick Capt. Rogers, M. Roddam (sic), M. Flint and John Kent. One of those adjoining landowners can be identified as Matthew Rodham, one of the earlier justices of the county and a man frequently mentioned in county records. another was Capt. John Rogers, also one of the earlier justices of Northumberland Co. and a man frequently mentioned in Church records Note the grant to Claudius was not for the transportation of himself or any member of his family. no record of a grant for the transportation of Claudius or his family to Virginia has been found it will be shown that he probably did have a family in 1665. Claudius acquired other land in Virginia in 1680.
Claudius Tullos married Sarah Rodham ? ( Daughter of Matthew Rodham?) About 1661 in Northumberland Co. Quote from a letter of James L. Tullis M D., Chairman, Dept. of Medicine, New England Deaconess Hospital, 185 Pilgrim Rd Boston Ma. in 1972 (appearing in a book on the Tullis line found in Salt Lake City, UT. " he claimed the Tullis family had migrated to Ohio in the late 1700's from Wales. He further stated his mother had told him the family had originally come from Scotland that the Scottish branch of the family spewed their name Tullis, but that the ones who stayed in Wales a hundred years spelled the name Tullioss." " I have delved into the Tullis family in Scotland I have also succeeded in tracing it back to its origin, which appears to have been in ancient Sythia." " the Tullis family may have migrated from Iran to Sythia prior to the conquests of Cyrus. They subsequently moved to Greece for about two centuries, and I have found tombstones in Macedonia with the name Tullos. They then went to Italy where they seem to have left a lasting imprint. the major of the destroyed Roman city of Syberis was named Telys and indeed Cicero hundred years later also bore our name, Marcus Tullius Cicero." Why the Tullis tribe was chased from Rome is anybody's guess. They appear to have traveled by boat, touched briefly in Southern Spain, where they picked up assorted Vakencian names as Delano, my father's middle name and Orlando, my grandfathers middle name. They moved to Firth of Forth in Scotland where they remained for nearly 2000 years. Some of them are still there."
Another idea is that they came Rome a place caked Tullo in Scotland.
In the early census records Claudius Cloud was listed as a bootmaker.
John Tullos’s wife was Barbara Mason who is thought to have been the granddaughter of Matthew Rodham.
Richard Tullos’s will list wife Elizabeth, son in law James Morgan and daughter Sarah, John, Temple and Willoughby, daughter Elizabeth Hunell, Jane Gwyn and son Richard.
Temple Tullos and wife Thankful Mills
there is more information on her family her mother was a Hicks (see Hicks for her fathers family) her grandmother was Thankful Weeks (see Weeks for her father also see Robinson for his mother ) her mother was a Chase ( see Chase ) .Temple witnessed the will of Thankful Hicks m Dublin Co. NC on Oct 27 1784 when Thankful willed her property to her one daughter Rebecca Hicks Mills and her grandchildren which she named Temple and Thanlcfu1, Willoughby and Anna the daughters of James and Rebecca Hicks Mills. Family sheet for Temple and Thankful Mill developed by Janet Kalka of Magee, Ms. dated Oct 1977 shows 8 children in this family: Temple Jr., Abraham, John, Richard, Silas, Stephan, G.H., and Nanol ? who married Elijah Carver.
Marion co. Ms. court Record Probate will: Temple left a non-captive (oral) will naming heirs: Silas, Thomas, Joseph Pollater, Abrabam, Archibald, Elijah Carner, Robert & Burrell.
1787 Census Dublin co. N. C. p 35 Temple is family 71, Elizabeth is Family 72 Willoughby is family 136, Tapley is in Montgomery Co. NC.
Temple came to Ms. territory from Ga. on a passport issued 1S Dec 1809. The record of his passport reads as follows: "Friday, 29 Nov 1811, on application, ordered: that passports be prepared for the following persons to travel through the Indian Nations to the Western Country, to witt: One for Mr. Temple Tellis with his wife and eleven children. One for Mr. John Cook and his son with seven negroes, and one for Mr Temple Tellis with his wife and three children all from the county of Effingham in this state ".
Temple died in 1844 and left an oral non-captive will the witnesses and heirs applied to probate this into all the children were there except Temple Jr, Nathan and John it is believed that John had already died and that Temple Jr. & Nathan were children by his first marriage and not called because of that.
Burrell Tullos Married Sara Reids/Rials as you will see a letter from one of their daughters shows it as Reids but some other papers have Rials the only reasoning for that is that their were some Rials that witnessed some of Temples papers in Ms. Sara is also believed to buried in the Tullos Cemetery near Chester, Choctaw Co. Ms. The graves were marked with native rock and the names have washed away. Burrell is listed in Yazoo Co. Ms 1830 Census (p299) With 4 white males under 10 and 2 females under 10, 1 between 10-20 and 2 between 20-40. "sense Burrell would only be about 20, this must be two families. Archibald bought land from the U.S. Government in 1834 in Yazoo Co. so he was the only other one there and this is the two families combined.
Burrell bought land in Choctaw Co. Ms. 9 Sept 1835. Recorded at the court house, Vol. 28 p 469. Listed as Burrell Tullos m 1840 Choctaw Co. Ms. census with I male under 5, and 1 between 30-40, 1 female under 5, I between 5-10, and 1 between 20-30. sense none of these children are over 10, they would have been shown on the 1830 census "so probably ail the children in the 1830 census belong to Archibald. Listed m the 1850, Choctaw Co. Ms census p 41 as 42 years old married to 42 year old Sarah with the following children, Armada 17, Andrew J. 14, Eliza 12, Latina 11, Sarah 9, and Mary C. 4. Also listed were B.F. (son of Archibald) and AW. (son of Roland).
There are several references to Burrell in letters. A letter from Mrs. D. E. (Emeline Tullos) Ray dated April 24 1911 states "We lived at Greensbrough, the county seat of Choctaw at the time (before the civil war) and moved to AR. . My father died m AR. and mother came back to Choctaw Co. and she soon died. Fathers name was Burrell Tullos. He had two brother named Archie and Roland.
In a letter written to a cousin in AR. Our family consisted of five girls and one boy. Their names were Melvina, Arminda, Emeline, Mary and Clementine. The boys name was Jackson. When we came to Choctaw Co. brother Jackson did not come with us. We have never seen or heard from him since Civil War. My mother s name was Sarah Reids. I got a brother some where if he is alive and maby we are close kin his name was Andrew Jackson Tullos and I want you to answer soon. Listed on the 1870 Copiah Co. Ms census p 348 with Joseph Tullos (includes Sarah A. 60 and Mary N. 25).
Andrew Jackson Tullos
married Louisa Birmingham in AR (Louis’s father was Curtis Birmingham I have not found the marriage date and so I don’t know if Mary was Andrew and Lou’s or if Andrew was married to some one else first. Andrew went by the name Lee Jack, he joined the Confederate Army in 1862 and was living near Austin at that time and when Mary was born in 1859. I have not been able to find him on any census till 1880 when he was on the Faulkner Co. census. He in listed in the Confederate Army as a Private in June 27 1862 in Co. C , 36 Arkansas Infantry and shown being released Sept 1864.The area they lived in between 1850-1880 was in a area that was a corner for four counties at that time White, Prairie, Pulaski, and Conway. Now the area they lived in is in Faulkner Co. which was formed in the 1870’s from Pulaski and Conway Co.’s It is only a few miles from the Pulaski border. A few miles the other way towards Austin is Lonoke Co., which was taken from White and Prairie.
Tucker and Swink
what I have on the tuckers is not much George was born in 1826 in Tn. Married Martha Swink in Rudthford Co Tn in 1850 they moved to Ky in 1853 and AR in 1855, George died around 1859. My Great Grandfather was bor in 1856 in St. Francis Co. AR, Now Cross Co. he moved to Faulkner Co in the 1870’s where they lived near the Tullos.Stories and lines of Hicks, Chase, Robinson & Weeks
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