Malinda's Cat Page


I now have two cats, HERSHE...a foundling adopted from a family who did not prefer cats! The mother cat had been run over :-( when her kittens were very young, so HERSHE was in need of a mother's care. We named her HERSHE because she was a dirty brown color! After a visit to our veterinarian, who determined there was nothing seriously wrong with her that good care and love would not take care of, we took her home, fed her very well, gave her vitamins, and a NEW kitty emerged! She rapidly turned solid, coal black and now at 7-1/2 yrs. old weighs 12 lbs.! I am very sure she does not realize she IS a cat! She is very loved and very spoiled! Her favorite place to be is in my lap when I am at the computer. Otherwise she can be found in the window or on the bed, on a pillow of course! :-)

Now BAILEY is another matter! I had lost a longtime pal PATCHES, and HERSHE needed another friend so we adopted BAILEY from "Special Pals", a no-kill shelter in Houston. He was 3-1/2 yrs. old, an almost perfect TUXEDO CAT! A big black and white baby who now is almost 8 yrs. old and weighs 13 lbs! He runs at his own shadow :-( and hates the vacuum cleaner! But BAILEY knows exactly what time "Momma" should go to bed and get up in the morning. :-) If "Momma" stays on the computer late at night or sleeps late in the morning, then BAILEY tells her what time it is, in a very loud voice, right in her face!

You can tell I love these two cats like they were my children. And because my own two children are grown then they are my babies! I can not remember a time in my life when I did not love and have at least one cat! They have lifted me up when I was down and given love in abundance without question!

Oh, I failed to mention that my husband initially was NOT a cat person! But he would be lost without BAILEY on the arm of his chair asking for a pat on the head or some stroking. So he loves cats too!


In Memory
NOAH'S ARC Victims

What more can I say? My cats are like my children! Even my family say they are! :-) I love them, protect them and take care of them in every possible way. And that means they are spayed and neutered!! I love all cats and would have a house full if possible. :-) But not at the expense of bringing more kittens into a world that already has far to many that are uncaredfor! Please, if you love and care for your treasured pet, have them spayed or neutered and vaccinated!! Protect them as you would your children. They give unquestioned love and devotion and cannot understand when they are "just not wanted" anymore! :-( Any animal shelter or veterinarian can refer you to a low cost facility, or, check out some of the links below.

Get your own SAVE A LIFE AWARD!
Visit Nancy's wonderful pages on the prevention of animal abuse
with links to other great spay and neuter sites
by clicking on the above graphic.

Cat's Meow

Cat's,Cat's & More Cat's

CATZ---your computer cats

The Brat Cats

CATS Online


Cornell Feline Health Center

Diabella Loves Cats

Lucky's Little Piece of the Web


American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Doris Day Animal League

Pet Action League

Safari Animal Care Centers

Second Chance Pets

Special Pals
Houston's only no-kill animal shelter

Twyla's Friends

USA-SPAY -- 1-800-248-SPAY or 1-800-248-7729
Referrals to discount and low cost
spay-neuter clinics through-out the nation.

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