My Awards
Thank you dear friends for these awards!
It is a delightful surprise to find such beautiful awards in my mailbox.
Please visit their sites as they all have wonderful pages as evidenced by their artistic awards.
Bailey and Hershe thank you too! "m e o w"
My First Award!!
Received August 12, 1997
Thank you Sheila for your confidence and inspiration!
Please visit "Sheila's Country Corner" home of my first
Heartland Community Leader!

Received November 18,1997
The Site Fights
Thank you Lady Moonlight

Received February 21,1998
Diabella Loves Cats
Thank you Diane

Received February 27,1998
The Brat Cats
Thank you Maxine

Received March 23,1998
Grandma George's Home Page
Thank you Susan
Received June 29, 1999
Larinda's Homepage of Support
Thank you Larinda
Another great Community Leader
Received May 22, 2001
Stable Community Center
Thank you Paula
This page copyrighted 1997-2006 © by Malinda Rimes
Original Navigation Bar 1997 © by TeaSip
Thank you
Lady Dj
for the lovely flowers
WHERE is Lady Dj?

Thank you Wendy
for the "Aqua Swirl" background
"It's A Small World"
Midi file courtesy of BE MINE...greetings