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This Week's Top Ten!!!!!

Have you ever wondered what all those short forms we run into all the time REALLY mean????? You know the ones I'm talking about: www, ftp, cgi, to name a few.

Well, Kasperkatz has scoured the web, local and national newspapers, picked the brains of all of his friends; and he's put together a list of the top ten explanations?? for this week:


10. Brer Rabbit Bolts

9. Ban Razor Blades

8. Back Road Boggles

7. Better Read Books

6. Baseball Rumors Believable??

5. Boycott Red Belts

4. British Reign Badly

3. Bottled Real Beer

2. Better Rest Bubba!

1. Broken Royal Bargain

VOTE for Your Favorite!!!

Please tell me your first name: (Do not hit return)

1) Choose your favorite from the list above and find it's number here:

2) Did you come up with a better one? Tell me!



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Visitors since June 19,1997

E-Mail: Kasperkatz at
Text: Copyright ©1997, 1998 Karen Marquis
This page updated on February 28, 1998

Created with the CoffeeCup HTML Editor