This site is graphic intensive due to it's nature. Please have patience as it loads all of the pictures of the missing children. Thank You!
This page is dedicated to the memory of my nephew Matthew, who was taken from us much too soon.
We thought you safe and sound asleep,
And then the Angels came.
They took you with them when they left,
Life's never been the same.
And now you're watching from above
Instead of running free.
And we are left to cherish but
A fleeting memory.
Copyright © 1997 Karen Marquis
This Teddy Bear represents the plight of Lost, Missing and Runaway Children around the world. Please feel free to 'take him home' with you and help us bring a Smile to his face!
Every night, around the world, hundreds of Mothers and/or Fathers go to bed; not to sleep, but to worry, to toss, turn, to dream, and to pray; that the next telephone call or knock on the door will bring the news that their child has been found. Some wait only a few hours, some a few days, and some are still waiting, hoping and praying that someone just like you will spot their child and take the time to make one short phone call.
PLEASE, take a few moments of your precious time to view this page in it's entirety. Look carefully at the photos of the Missing Children, imprint them in your memory. With your help, we CAN make miracles happen.
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This Java Applet Banner
will run continuously, displaying the 13 Missing Children Alert Cases.
Clicking on the photograph will bring up the AlerPage with more information,
and the ability to print posters. Clicking on the Marquee Message will
connect to the NCMEC home page.
It is with great joy that I report the following:
Elizabeth Kock has been found and returned to her home in Copperas
Cove, TX. She made it a total of 10 miles.
Tonight, one more child sleeps safely. Let's pray and work for those
who can't.
A New Ring Has been formed to help catch the MONSTERS who reft children away from the arms of their loving families. Please examine the faces below very carefully. If you think you recognize any of these lowlifes, CONTACT THE FBI OR THE RCMP!!!!!!!
Lost Angels. [Next| |Skip Next| Next Five] [Previous| Skip Previous] Want to join the ring? Click here for info. |
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If the ring is not working you may go to Ring Member Listing and still surf the ring.
I received an e-mail requesting that I help out a worried father. His daughter, Niki has been abducted by her non-custodial mother. Please help if you can.
May 28, 1998. I just reveived notice that Nikolette has been found. Thank you to everyone who took the time to keep you eyes open. Another child sleeps safe in the arms of love tonight!!
I received an e-mail requesting that I help out a worried and grieving mother. Her daughter Alexis is missing and believed to be held against her will.
Alexis Gandara
15-years-old - looks younger
5' 1" tall € 90 lbs.
Brown hair, long and wavy € Hispanic
Missing Since: June 6, 1997
Last Seen: West Sacramento, California
We pray that Alexis will be found safe and sound soon.
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Missing Child Laura K. Smither, Friendswood Texas Last seen 9am April 3, 1997 Please call (281) 482-8061 If you have any information Physical Description: Height 5'3 Weight 98 pounds Braces Fair Complection Long Curly Hair - Dark Brown Green Eyes Last seen Wearing T-Shirt - Black Shorts - Dark Blue Shoes - White Running |
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Case : LOST/INJURED/OTHER Race : WHITE Height: 4 ' 11 " (149 cms) Weight: 80 lbs Birth date: 11-Mar-1985 Eyes: BROWN Hair: BLACK Circumstances: Joseph was last seen on May 25, 1997 at 1:30 p.m., playing with children in his neighborhood. Identifying Information: He was wearing shorts, a gray t-shirt, a baseball cap and tennis shoes.He had his black bicycle with one black wheel and one silver wheel with him. Date Missing: 25-May-1997 City Of Report: COLUMBIA State Of Report: SC If Seen Contact: Richland County Sheriff's Office (South Carolina) - Missing Persons Unit - 1-803-691-9000 |
Increased awareness is one of the ways that we can help all of these lost angels.To promote this concept, I am asking that each and everyone of you "purchase" a rose by putting a link to this site on your page. In return, I will put your URL on my Lost Angels Sponsor Page.
Simply 'Right Click' on the image above and 'Save
As', just as you would normally do. Then, send me an e-mail with your URL and the Name Of The Page you would like me to link to,
and I will add it to The Sponsors Page. You may "purchase" a rose even if you don't have a web site - just send me your e-mail address, tell a friend, and I will include either your name or e-mail address on the Sponsors' Page. Thank you so much for caring!!
Please, take a few minutes to visit the LOST ANGELS' SPONSOR PAGE, and if you have the time, drop in on some of our many caring friends.
The URL for this site is:
A very courageous lady needs your prayers as she battles leukemia. She is keeping an on-line journal. Please take a moment to drop in and leave her your message.
This Page Created on April 22, 1997.
TEXT: Copyright ©1997, 1998 Karen Marquis
This page updated on June 24, 1998