The TeaSip Award

From time to time I give the
Award to sites I consider above
average. If you would like to apply for it, email me to visit your site. I am
very selective about choosing sites for my award, so do not feel badly if your
application is not approved the first time. Your site may be much more tomorrow
than it is today. You may apply for my award every 30 days and I will check it
out again to see what you've done since last I looked. If you haven't heard from
me within two weeks, well..(grin).. do more work on it.
I have
created some special category awards and there may be more, so check back for further developments. New awards seem to keep popping up here if the TeaSip
has time to play in Paint Shop Pro, it seems. :-)
~~~ What Do I Look For In An Award Site? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. I have to just "like" it, for one thing. This is intangible.
2. Ease of Navigation (check out my Navigation Bar)
3. Color coordination of backgrounds with text
4. Graphics (I admit I'm a sucker for great graphics)
5. Originality/Imagination/Humor/Philosophy
6. Attention to details and nuances
7. Level of maintenance (are there broken links ?)(do your forms work ? )
8. Can I turn off the music ? Please provide the viewer a way to turn it off.
9. If yours is a genealogy site, is the info easy to understand ?
10. Is your email address easy to find on the page ?
11. I think 5 minutes is about max to wait for a page to load on my pentium, but if it's
a really good site, I don't mind the wait.
12. Absolutely NO pornography or content that would be unsuitable for children.
13. If you handcraft your own code in WordPad, that is a plus. :--)
14. Have you given credit where credit is due ? I look for credits sections where
graphic design artists are given their due for their free backgrounds and graphics.
15. Is your site frames-free & if not, can I break out of them ? I had previously said
I wouldn't award a site with frames, but being a female, it's my prerogative to change
my mind, so I have decided to be more receptive to frames. I might find one I actually
like and would then have to eat my words. :--)
16. We all know sites are always under construction, so please limit construction signs.
17. Keep blinking lines and words to a minimum.
18. These Awards are only for personal/non-profit sites. No commercial sites will be awarded.
19. You do not have to be a "TeaSip" to receive this award. :--)
Note:One of my friends who has an award program asked me if I minded if she adopted my
rules and I gave consent for her to copy my guidelines. If you believe in these standards
you may display this "Awards Prestige" logo on your page with a link back to this page.
EFFECTIVE 11-22-97
Note To Winners: TeaSip Awards must be displayed at the sizes shown below.
and any frames may not be discarded. None of these awards may be resized,
and the special Blue Goblet Award must be displayed on a line by itself.
I decided to invoke these policies after witnessing what I regarded as a
discourtesy to some other award givers who had not specified these restrictions
in their guidelines. Anyone who gives any of us an award, we should treat it
with respect and consideration, as I have done for all those who honored
me with their awards. Thank you for showing consideration to these folks who
take the time to develop awards and bestow them on you. The TeaSip's site will
always proudly display all awards given to her with respect for the bestowers,
and will never alter their handiwork.

REGULAR AWARD You May Apply For This Award |

SPECIAL AWARD You May Not Apply For This Award |

You May Apply For This Award |
Red Goblet Award
For Genealogy Excellence
You May Not Apply For This
But You May Be Nominated
TeaSip Goblet Award
For Outstanding Achievement
In WebSite Design
You May Not Apply For This
Blue Goblet Award
For Special Contributions
To Online Genealogy
Blue Goblet Frame © by Gracie Stover
Compliments of Gracie Stover
These are Special Awards that may not be applied for.
These are not "framed" awards although they appear so here.
However, winners may frame them if they so desire.
I have a waiting list of people who have applied for various awards
and I will begin surfing these and other sites soon. Thank you for
your interest in the TeaSip Awards.
These awards copyrighted © 1997 by Sharon Herrington--all rights reserved
NOTE: 12-8-97 Sorry, due to cold/flu I am behind both in review and in posting winners names.

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to this page since 11-17-97.

This page copyrighted © 1997 by
Sharon Herrington
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This Page last updated at 8:00pm CST on Monday December 29, 1997.

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