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This is the story of how Allie came
home to us. At the end you will find a list of adoption
related links. We made the decision to adopt after the
heartbreaking loss of our daughter, Marissa, who was
stillborn on October 3, 1996. In February 1997 I started
to look into adoption for the first time ever. I surfed
the web looking for any crumb of information that I could
find. I was terrified of the birth mother issues in the
US, so I decided that international adoption was for us.
After a little pushing I got my husband Pat to start
thinking about adoption. We reviewed the country choices
and decided on India. We wouldn't have to travel and the
program wasn't as expensive as some of the others. I got
back on the net and requested information packets from
all agencies that had that program. I then joined the
ICHILD email group, a group specific to adopting from
India. We reviewed the information sent to us and filled
out the application for the agency we had chosen. That
weekend, February 22-23, our church ran an announcement
in the bulletin. There was a perfectly healthy African
American baby girl that had been born in February and was
in need of a home. We quickly decided that race didn't
matter to us, we just wanted a baby to hold and to love.
I called the adoption facilitator on Monday and we got
along really well. She in turn called the agency and told
them about us. We didn't get to talk to the adoption
lawyer until Wednesday the 26th. Wednesday night we met
our little girl at her foster home. She just stole our
hearts away the minute we saw her! She had a full head of
very curly hair, bright big green/brown eyes, and chubby
little cheeks. We also met the adoption lawyer that
night. He gave us a stack of papers to sign as well as
guidelines for the paperwork that needed to be completed.
As soon as we got home we sat down and signed the papers.
We just knew that we were meant to be Allie's parents.
Our fear of birth mother issues became a thing of the
past. For the next 2 days we ran around and collected as
much of the necessary documentation as we could. We spent
Saturday night with our social worker doing the interview
part of our homestudy. It was one long night, but at the
end she told us we were approved! On Tuesday, March 4,
the one necessary background check that had to be
completed, came through. The agency called us and said we
could bring Allie home. We were so excited!
The Sunday after we brought Allie home, our friends threw
us a huge baby shower. Everyone was so excited that we
finally had a baby in our lives. A handful of people were
concerned that we are now a biracial family, but have
since told us how happy they are for us. Our African
American neighbors have come together and told us that
Allie is officially a neighborhood baby. We have their
complete support and if we ever need help all we need to
do is ask. We will be forever grateful to them.

General Adoption Links
Parent's Place - Adoptive Parents
Parent's Place - Birth Parents
Parent's Place - Foster Parents
Parent's Place - Multi-cultural
Domestic Adoption Agencies on the
International Adoption Agencies on
the web

[Adoption Page] [Domestic Agencies]
[ General Adoption Links] [International Agencies] [Dawn's Den]

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