genealogy relatives

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This page was last updated on 15 Oct 2000

This page is dedicated to my lost relatives. There are many relatives I would like to find. Below is a list of some I have found and others I am searching for.

Click Here to see the relatives I have met

Click Here to see the relatives still want to find

My family Tree

these are relatives I have connected with through my search
Merrill Smith
He is my 3rd cousin 1 removed
Lucille Frost
She is my 4th cousin
Lois Rook
She is also my 3rd cousin 1 removed. Her grandchildren and my kids are 5th cousins!

these are relatives I hope to find
Edward and Virginia Scott and children Bill, Warren, Claire
Edward and Viginia were born about 1900-1905
Robert Taylor and his children Laura, Dorothy, Nancy, Bob and their kids
FOUND!!! This is my dad's brother and his children and grandchildren

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