Are We?

Daniel and Sister Mary Peace
Minister of Music Harry McCall 
Dennis Minnot
Brother Walter Jackson
A People with
the Fire,
A Pastor with a Vision,
and a God with the Power!
Sword of the Spirit Christian Church, Inc. is
a newly founded multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, transdenominational,
charismatic, evangelical fellowship that is covenanted to the
discipling of saints into the fullness of Christ
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Diedra Jackson
Carla & DeAngelo Franklin
As a part
of the vanguard movement of today's Christian soldiers we stand
ready to wield the mighty Word of God in daily spiritual warfare
with the powers of darkness. With an emphasis on the spiritual
gifts as they are manifest in the believer, we seek to develop
mature saints that can live out the proclamation that is our motto
"...we are more than conquerors... through him who loved
us." Romans 8:37 (NIV)

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