A graduate of Colgate University and The Hartford Seminary, Pastor
Peace has served as an Associate Minister at The Greater Antioch
Missionary Baptist Church and New Birth Faith Pentecostal Church
of Hartford, CT.
Pastor Peace is an active participant in many community organizations
and projects having served as the Secretary of the Board of Directors
of ONE/CHANE, Inc., Chairman and founder of The Greater Hartford
Community Coalition; The Board of Directors of The Manchester
Area Conference of Churches, Volunteer Chaplain of the Jennings
Road Detention Center, and a volunteer for Prison Fellowship Ministries.
Presently, Pastor Peace is an active member of The International Ministerial Fellowship, The Board of Directors of The Capital Region Conference of Churches, The Capital Region Joint Policy Board, The Hartford City-Wide Clergy Association and The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, and is a charter and founding member of The American Association of Christian Counselors.
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This Web Site was created by Pastor Daniel T. Peace, Sr., Friday
December 8, 1995
Most recent revision March 20, 1997
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