Miscarried and taken to heaven after only 12 weeks, on
Dec. 12, 1997
Daughter of Sheryl and Roger
Your tiny
heart beat and breathed life into my soul.
Your memory lives there still.

Shay Chauffe
April 28, 1998
Parents: John and Deanna Roy Chauffe
For 20
weeks we loved you
We know you loved us back
One day we will meet again
In heaven
then I entrust you
To Grandma and Grandpa Chauffe
We love

Rose Goins-Silvas
Stillborn Nov.2,1990
Daughter of: Jennifer Goins-Caufman
She was a
beatiful baby, who changed my life. In her memory I have
written a book on surviving stillbirth. Please

Ben Bangio
Stillborn May 22,1999
Son of: Uriel & Mitzi Bangio
We carried
you for 36 weeks and everything seemed to be going so
well. It was nice to hold you for the few moments we did,
but we wish you could be with us now.
little one. We will always love you. Your Ema and

Son of
Deanna Cherie Wilson 
January 5, 1996
I just
wanted you to know that I loved you with all my heart and
I think about you all the time. You where my first born,
my first born little boy. The doctors never found out why
you had all the problems you did, but I know you are now
in God's hand and for some reason he choose to take you
from me. You are now in heaven and you're an angel. You
now have a sister and brother. I have your remains since
you were too tiny and were only 20 weeks when I lost you
i had you cremated. I often look at them and hold them it
helps to know that you were once inside of me and that
you're not gone forever.

Lee Hendley
March 22,1986 -
December 10,1986 // 8 mo
Son of: Leana and Curtis Hendley Sr.