
For many years my Mother kept a journal filled with poems. She treasured those handwritten poems from Dad or the ones we girls would write to her on special occasions. These poems were especially dear to her; I think she would have liked me to share some with you...

Ode To My Wife on Her 26th Birthday--Jan.26,1946
Birthdays come but once a year
And may it bring you health and cheer,
And love and faith my darling dear,
To put up with me for another year.
...Your Honey

Merry Christmas To My Wife
'Twas the week before Christmas when all thru the town,
I searched all the stores for what could be found.

A present I needed,for my most precious doll,
In hopes she'd exclaim,"Oh,what a ball!"

Jewelry and furs I passed in vain,
To make such a purchase,would cause great pain.

I thought about clothes,but knew not what to buy,
My taste wouldn't do justice and I uttered a sigh.

A thought flashed across my tired old brain,
I'd give her some "loot" and she'd buy something sane.
Some might think that money's not nice,
It's the thought that counts and not the price.

So,go out to the store and to your hearts delight,
Buy a cute outfit with all of your mite.

Just remember one thought,ere I pass out of sight,
You're mine forever or there'll be a big fight...
...Your Honey

Mom and Dad were in their late 60's when they took a weekend excursion to Disneyworld in Orlando. My folks sent a picture to Pat, Margie and me which someone had taken of them. They were wearing Mickey Mouse Ears, sitting on a bench and smiling broadly. It's a favorite of mine; a couple of kids enjoying The Magic Kingdon. My sister, Margie, liked the snapshot so much, she wrote this poem...

My Folks
My folks wear funny hats and I love 'em cause they do.
They taught me how to laugh,in shades of subtle humor too.
It takes a certain look on life,to see things with a smile,
My folks have cried and worried,they've had bad times for awhile.
I know sometimes they're lonely,and sometimes they're depressed,
But I know they keep on trying to remember what they taught best.
There's always something funny in whatever comes along,
There will always be a stupid pun for whatever can go wrong.

My folks wear funny hats and I love 'em all the more,
They have the gift of humor and know what life's worth laughing for.

Here's one I wrote to Mom.
This was Mother's Day -- May 11,1986.

Dear Mom,
I have the fondest memories of a home with love and care.
A special person taught me to dream, believe and share.
The dusting could wait...dinner was sometimes late. But, stories were read and games were played,
Flour was everywhere when cookies were made.
Music and singing,laughter and cheer,
The same old jokes she heard year after year.
My tears and fears were soothed by no other...
Than the special person I call My Mother.

I think Pat probably wrote more poems than any of us; she had a knack for writing. Here's one we both like, I hope you do too.

Christmas Spirit
We sit before the crackling fire
As snow outside our window pours,
The whirling wind howls to be let in
Rattling windows,shaking doors.

Our Christmas shopping has been meagre,
Handmade presents we will give.
But the warm inside us, darlings
Makes the Christmas spirit live.

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