Watson Updates
Watson is the first GDA puppy we raised. He is a male, black and tan German Shepherd, born May 22, 1995. Watson was returned to
GDA on Feburary 8th, 1997 to begin his guide dog training. On July 13th, Watson and his new partner Karen graduated from GDA as a team! We really like
Karen and her family and couldn't have asked for a better home for Watson. He will live with Karen, her husband and their son in Northern California.

Watson at 10 weeks

Kissing Bill, 7 months

Snuggling with Tasha (or keeper, in front) at 16 months

GDA Campout with Bill

Just before turn in at 21 months

Graduation! Watson in harness walking us out to the ceremony

Handing him over to Karen
To return to The Dog House.