Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so; little ones to HIM belong; they are weak but HE is strong....Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

Mark Edward Warrior Protector

March 1999, 3 1/2 years old

Mark's birthday is September 2. He had quite the adventure even then; read his birth story. Mark is 5 years old as of 9/2/2000 and has started doing some Kindergarten work. He got bored with the "Teach Your Child to Read" book by lesson 19 and the Junior Phonics game after a while. He is reading pretty well, though, and loved Dr. Seuss the best at first. He reads "Hop on Pop," "Go Dog Go," and "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish." He is also reading the 1st Grade readers from Rod & Staff's Bible Reading and Nurture series. Now it's Jan 30, 2001 and he's reading the Bible all alone, and 3rd-4th grade readers... he's taken off! He is excited that he can attend the Homeschool Co-op we are a part of, not just be in the Preschool. He looks forward to it.

October 97, 26 mos

He also is a fan of Veggie Tales and Donut Man, but especially Thomas the Tank Engine.

13 mos old

It was Markie's birth that got me started as a Childbirth Educator and a doula. I am now working on getting certified. Link to Little Blessings Birth Services here.

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