Teacher Graphic

Education and School's in Twyford

There are several schools in and around Twyford which together with pre-school groups cater for kids from 4 to 18.

Yellow Brick Nursery School

Stanlake Meadow Pavilion
Contact: Mrs C. WIlkinson
Tel: 932 0666

Polehampton C of E Infants School

Hermitage Drive
Headmistress: Mrs J.Wiggins
Tel: 934 0246

Polehampton Junior School

Kibblewhite Crescent
HeadTeacher: Mrs Sheila Coles
Tel: 934 1338
Link to their web-site

Colleton Primary School

Colleton Drive
Head Teacher: Mrs Karen Davis
Tel: 934 0530

Ceder Park School

Bridge Farm Lane, Wargrave Road
Principal: Mrs D Christie
Tel: 934 0118

The Piggott Comprehensive School

Twyford Road, Wargrave
Headmaster: Dr K Atton
Tel: 940 2357

Bracknell College of F.E. classes

These classes are held in local schools
Organising Tutor: Mrs P McCafferty
Woodley Hill House
Eastcourt Avenue
Tel: 926 1621

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