Clubs and Societies in Twyford

Sports Clubs in Twyford

Badminton Clubs

Loddon Ladies Badminton Club (Wed at Loddon Hall)
Sec. Mrs Betty South, 5 Lincoln Gardens

Tuesday Ladies Badminton Club (9.30am to 12.00 at Loddon Hall)
Contact: Linda Dane, 96 Wargrave Road, Twyford

Twyford Badminton Club (Tues Evenings at Loddon Hall)
Contact: Mrs A Jones, 81 Orchard Estate

Bowling Clubs

Twyford Bowling Club
Sec: Mr Bill Robinson , 25 New Road, Ruscombe

Twyford and Ruscombe Cricket Club

Sec: Ian Helmore, 1 Maple Bank

Football Clubs

Twyford Football Club
Sec: Miss M E Bradbury, 4 Pennfields, Ruscombe

Culham Rangers Football Club
Sec: Sue Harper

Wokingham Ladies Football Club
Manager: Alan Glenny, 20 Milestone Crescent

Twyford Comets Football Club
Sec: Mr J P F March, 9 Mallard Close

Keep Fit Classes

Ladies Keep Fit (polehampton Junior School on Thursdays)
Contact: Mrs J Waters

Keep Fit at the Youth Centre
Mons AM for the over 50s Ladies
Tues and Thurs AM Step Aerobics

Twyford Swimming Association

Contact: Mrs A Munday, 22 Kibblewhite Crescent

Twyford and District Fishing Club

Sec: Mr J W Green
Link to their website

Twyford Tennis Club

Sec: Mrs Annette Stain, 11 Westview Drive

Isis Aqua Ski Club at Sonning Eye

Contact : Mr B Savage

Garth Hunt Pony Club

Contact: Mrs Rance, The Paddocks, Crazies Hill, Wargrave

Reading Rambling Club

Sec: Mr D Alder

Churches in Twyford

Anglican Churches in Twyford

St Mary the Virgin, Ruscombe
Rev. Grahan Hamborg, Parish Office, St. Mary's Centre

St James the Great, Ruscombe
Rev Des Foote, Assistant Curate, 58 Broadwater Road

Roman Catholic Churches in Twyford

Church of St Thomas More, London Road
Priest: Father Flanagan, The Presbytery, London Road

United Reform Churches in Twyford

United Reform Church, Twyford
Rev. Kate Pryde, 13 Winchcombe Road

Churches Together in Twyford and District

ChairPerson: Mrs Jean Smith, 1 Colleton Drive

Twyford and Ruscombe Association

The Association is responsible for the Loddon Hall and the private members bar attached. Many activities are held there including meetings of both Twyford and Ruscombe Parish Councils

Twyford Youth and Community Centre

The Centre is in Loddon Hall Road and is used for youth clubs, judo, short tennis and badminton for the young, mother and toddler sessions and various adult aerobic classes. Senior Youth Worker: Trudi Collis

Charitable Organisations in Twyford

Twyford and District Round Table

Round Table Symbol

Chairman: Derek Moffat
16 Yewhurst CLose
Tel: 934 4781
Link to their website

Twyford, Wargrave and District Volunteer Centre

The office is in the vestry of the United Reformed Church and is open everymorning Monday to Friday. Tel: 934 3010

Sec: Mrs Julia Stuff
40 Braybrooke Close

Organiser: Mrs E Jenkins
30 Wargrave Road

Age Concern

Lady Elizabeth Centre
Polehampton Close
Co-ordinator: Mrs Janet Potter
Tel: 934 4040

Royal British Legion

Sec: Mrs Mary O'Halloran
Tel: 934 2641

Womens Royal Volunteer Service

Contact Berskhire Country Organiser, Mrs Pennyfeather
Tel: 957 6009

British Red Cross Society

Medical Loan Tel: 987 1208
Welfare Tel: 987 2165

Christian Aid

Chairman: Rev. Graham Hamborg
St.Mary's Parish Office
Tel: 934 4792

Polehampton Charities

Clerk to the Trustee's: Mr P Hutt
C/O Brian & Brain
London Street
Tel: 958 1441

Hurst Charities

Sec. Mrs Christine Foote
52 Broadwater Road
Tel: 934 2603

Meals on Wheels

Contact: Mrs Doris Parker
110 London Road
Tel: 934 5770

Political Parties

Twyford and District Labour Party

Chairman: Mr C Wickenden
1 Park Lane
Tel: 934 1292

Twyford & Ruscombe Conservative Party

Chairman: Mr R Sanderson
66 Wargrave Road
Tel: 934 0636

Liberal Democrats

Chairman: Mr S R Conway
20 Arnside Close
Tel: 934 2029

Link to their website

For the retired

Darby and Joan Club

Sec: Mrs Peggy Simpson
15 New Road
Tel: 934 5545

Twyford and Ruscombe Luncheon Club

Sec: Mrs J Harrison
27 Springfield Park
Tel: 934 1428

Over 60's club

Sec: Mrs Joan Goodwin
Tel: 934 6245

Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (Local Group)

Sec: Mrs Celia Mansfield
47 The Ridgeway
Tel: 940 3793

Other Leisure Activities

Twyford and Ruscombe Theatre Group
Twyford and Ruscombe Art Club
Twyford and Ruscombe Floral Art Club
Twyford Singers
St Mary's Church Bellringers
Twyford Handbell Ringers
Twyford Folk Dance Society
Twyford Lacemakers
Twyford Men's Club
Twyford and Ruscombe Local History Society
Twyford and Ruscombe Horticultural Association
Loddon Vale Wine Circle
Reading & District Cigarette Card and Postcard Club
Stroke and Housebound Club
Wargames Association of Reading
Polehampton Infants School Parents / Teachers Association
Colleton School Association
Polehampton Junior School Association
Twyford Bridge Club
Friends of Ruscombe Wood (FORWOOD)
Theatre Goers Club of Great Britain
Rotaract Club of Woodley & Earley

Twyford and Ruscombe Art Club


St. Mary's Centre, alt Mon evenings
Sec: Mrs J Wray
8 Strathmore Drive
Tel: 934 0122

Twyford and Ruscombe Theatre Group

Drama Symbol

Chairman Mr M Brooks
14 Heron Drive
Tel: 934 0040

Twyford and Ruscombe Floral Art Club

Sec: Mrs V Job
Tel: 934 5284

Twyford Singers

Sec: David Brown
Tel: 959 0344

St Mary's Church Bellringers

Tower Captain: Mr M Dane
96 Wargrave Road
Tel: 934 5809

Twyford Handbell Ringers

Contact: Mrs J Bryant
61 Lincoln Gardens
Tel: 934 1873

Twyford Folk Dance Society

Sec: Mrs A Jones
20 Hermitage Drive
Tel: 934 1450

Twyford Lacemakers

Contact: Mrs Smith
Tel: 934 1064
Mrs Roberts
Tel: 934 0468

Twyford Men's Club

Sec: Mr F Pepall
73 Hermitage Drive
Tel: 934 0675

Twyford and Ruscombe Local History Club

Sec: Mrs A Berne
4 The Hawthorns
Tel: 932 0192

Twyford and Ruscombe Horticultural Association

Store in Loddon Hall Road is open to members Sundays Feb - Nov 10-11am
Chirman: I Simpson
9 Ruscombe Road
Tel: 934 1392

Loddon Vale Wine Circle

Sec: Mrs A Hoar
23 Winchcombe Road
Tel: 934 5308

Reading & District Cigarette Card and Postcard Club

Meets at Charvil Village Hall on 2nd Thurs in Month
Sec: Mrs B Eighteen
Tel: 978 4499

Stroke and Housebound Club

Contact: Mrs P A Teagle
33 Wargrave Road
Tel: 934 1842

Wargames Association of Reading

Meets at Reading Activity Centre
Treasurer: Glyn Randall
44 Austin Road
Tel: 969 5300

Polehampton Infants School Parent / Teacher Association

Chairman: Mr I Poulter
Tel: 934 0033

Colleton School Association

Contact: Angela Thresher
3 Hurst Park Road
Tel: 934 0403

Polehampton Junior School Association

Chairman: Mrs Sandra Joyce
Tel: 934 4958

Twyford Bridge Club

Meets Monday Evenings at Sonning Blue Coat School
Contact: Mr N Barnes
7 Calcot Heights
Tel: 942 0690

Friends of Ruscombe Wood (FORWOOD)

Contact: Mr T Ward
Tel: 932 0718

Theatre Goers Club of Great Britain

Membership of the club offers you:

Local boarding points at Twyford, Littlewick Green, Maidenhead, Burnham

Contact: Mrs V Aves
14 Chaseside Avenue
Tel: 934 5830

Rotaract Club of Woodley & Earley

A Rotaract a day, helps charities work, rest and play. Wanna help?

Contact: Michael
Tel: 983 5470

Societies for Women

United Reformed Church Friendship Club
Twyford and District Ladies Circle
Mothers Union
Meeting point
Twyford Evening Townswomens's Guild
Twyford and Ruscombe Women's Institute
Royal British Legion, Ladies Section

United Reformed Church Friendship Club

Contact: Mrs W Harding
15 Paddock Heights
Tel: 934 0985

Twyford and District Ladies Circle

Contact: Mrs V Hanton
9 Willow Drive
Tel: 934 1006

Mothers Union

Contact: Mrs Kathy Phillips
18 Mallard Close
Tel: 934 0985

Meeting Point

Contact: Mrs Zena Chittendon
Tel: 934 2608

Twyford Evening Townswomens's Guild

Contact: Mrs D Hill
1 Loddon View
Hurst Road
Tel: 934 3109

Twyford and Ruscombe Women's Institute

Contact: Mrs J Bray
Tel: 969 8327

Royal British Legion, Ladies Section

Contact: Mrs M O'Halloran
47 Orchard Estate
Tel: 934 2641

Clubs and Societies for the young

Boys Brigade
Twyford Scouting
Twyford Guides
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Group
Colleton Mother and Toddler Group
Twyford Toddlers Group
Colleton pre-school playgroup
New Happy Hours playgroup
Twyford and Ruscombe pre-school playgroup
Twyford and District Play association (for holiday playscheme)
Football Clubs
Dancing Classes
Vivace Girls Choir

Boys Brigade

Contact: Mr P Tate
41 Winchcombe Road
Tel: 934 5093

Twyford Scout Group

Chairman: Mr J P F March
9 Mallard Close
Tel: 934 0584

Scouts meet Monday and Tuesday evenings
Scout Leader: Mr J M Toy
Malvern, Shurlock Row
Tel: 934 3789

Cubs meet Tues and Wednesday evenings
Cub Leader: Mrs S Toy
Malvern, Shurlock Row
Tel: 934 3789

Beavers meet Wednesday and Thursday evenings
Beaver Leader: Mrs C Hayes Tel: 934 2756

East Loddon Venture Scout Unit (meet Wednesday nights)
Leader: Stuart Sandford
Tel: 969 1983

Twyford Guide Group

District Commisioner: Miss Alice Pinches
33 St. John's Road,
Tel: 9478575

RAINBOW UNITS (girls aged 5-7)
None in Twyford, nearest are:
1st Charvil Rainbows
Guider: Mrs Brenda Cowdery (0118 9345698)

1st Sonning Rainbows
(meet at Sonning Guide Hut, Liguge Way, Sonning)
Guider: Mrs Debra Knox (0118 9694470)

BROWNIE UNITS (girls aged 7-10)
1st Twyford Brownies
(meet on Fridays at Twyford Scout Hut, Loddon Hall Road)
Brown Owl: Miss Emma Hale (01753 856825)

2nd Twyford Brownies
(meet on Tuesdays at St. Mary's Church Hall)
Brown Owl: Miss Laura Mason (0118 9340853)

GUIDE UNIT (girls aged 10-14)
1st Twyford Guides
(meet at Twyford Scout Hut, Loddon Hall Road)
Guider: Mrs Val Otter (0118 9341617)

RANGER UNITS (for girls aged 14+)
None in Twyford, nearest are:
1st Hurst Rangers
(meet on Mondays at St. Nicholas Parish Room, Church Hill, Hurst)
Guider: Miss Alice Pinches (0118 9478575)

1st Sonning Rangers (meet on first Monday in the month at Sonning Guide Hut, Liguge Way, Sonning)
Guider: Mrs Jan Hale (0118 9698748)

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Contact: Janet Cripps
29 Coombe Road, Tilehurst
Tel: 943 3677

Colleton Mother and Toddler Group

Meets Thursday afternoons in the Cuboid building at Colleton School

Twyford Toddlers Group

Meets Wednesday and Friday mornings (9.30 - 11.30) at the Youth Centre
Contact: Amanda Harper
Email :

Colleton pre-school Playgroup

Supervisor: Mrs L Dreesden
Tel: 934 2151

New Happy Hours Playgroup

Contact: Mrs Churchhill
21 Broadwater Road, Twyford
Tel: 934 4219

Twyford and Ruscombe pre-school Playgroup

Contact: Mrs D Stagg
Tel: 934 3021

Twyford and District Play association (for holiday playscheme)

Contact the Youth Centre
Tel: 934 0891

Dancing Schools

Jeannine Greville Dancing Academy
Thursday Afternoons at Loddon Hall
Tel: 01491 572000

Miss C Collins holds dancing classes on Monday afternoons at the United Reformed Church Hall
Tel: 942 5345

Vivace Girls Choir (for girls aged 11-18)

Sunday Evenings (6.10 - 7.50) at St Patricks Hall, Charvil.
Contact : Suzanne Newman Tel: 0118 934 0589

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