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This is
what I look like!! ...honest !!
...CLICK me to confirm!!!. |
This page is just a
compilation of things that drive me ...NO!...not my CAR!!...things that I like! |

Happy 100TH Birthday to
the Old Town Canoe Company!!! |
No Way!! but I Adore -------> 
<-----------and the house wants
to look like this !!
to say...but I will anyways...I really like computers!! I am technologically
challenged however...so I muddle along the best I can with all of this!! |

click the puter or go see
our chat room roots !! |
SODA has to be :

wait for the page
song to end, then start this cute Pepsi tune!



Kitty Gallery
--> |


still in the ANIMALS category, I love pigs! ...NOT cartoon pigs!!! this
is a Vietnamese potbelly at 3 months old  |


Happiness is a warm QUILT!
(this is an 1847album quilt
done in Baltimore, Md. as a going away gift to a church pastor. I am doing one in
this style currently) |
than most things ... I love my Camp!! Located on Unity Pond, in Central Maine ... this is
our home away from home! |

to see more about the lake ... the camp ... and the folks that make it what it is ...
please go see THE CAMP PAGES! |
or Happiness Is: a quiet afternoon with Anne
or it is sitting at the kitchen
table painting, while the kids do their homework, next thing you know, they are
painting too! |
NOW next
are a bunch of things that drive me too...they drive me CRAZY!!! |
:o( :o( :o( :o( :o(
*Those condescending pompous
over inflated egotists who act as if they are gracing you by allowing you to be of service
to them!! |
* Loud Sailor On the Beach
Syndrome....you know the type? Talking with their buddies WAY too loud...and you just know
they aren't regaling these tales to discuss them, but merely to demand
attention....man...yuck! |
* Parents, who do
absolutely nothing about their misbehaving in public children!...even WORSE!... the one's
who gently remind little Johnny or little Sue..."Now Susie...how many times have
you not to break the plates?? Susie? You better cut that
out...Susie...IF you break that
mans plate he will be mad at you...he may call a policeman! Susie....don't MAKE me come
after you...Susie (and the parents voice is now disruptive and LOUD)
Susie! if you do that
ONE more time...Susie, I am going to count to ten"....GET THE PICTURE??? Bad Susie!!
RIDICULOUS parent! |
* Those
days you CANNOT find anything to wear!. ..You try on everything... and it all makes you look
FAT...and you wind up wearing the first thing you tried on AFTER ALL THAT and storm
out feeling all pissed off! |
* FIGHTING in a chat
room...c'mon folks...we come online to get away from that stuff..... |
again to for the FREE Web Space! |