Henry Ward Beecher

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the music playing on this page is a piece by William Croft ..." Sonata in G major" performed by Richard Harvey on recorder.

the artist in me is a little girl playing hide-and-go-seek ... she's here, yet at times I just can't find her !! certain things call her out...and she pours it all out to me, the stories of where she has been, and where she hopes to go! These drawings are some that she told all in a rush, before she ran off again..i felt her going...but I couldn't call her back...
"Don Giovanni"...as i awakened from a life long sleep..i felt The Dance, stirring, calling...promising "She learns patience"...and knowing that a belief long held was indeed out there...I must wait "The Last Rose of Summer"           ...but the waiting was so long... and yet, an optimism remains
"Shirt"...the visions of life, and love barely dreamed of... are always there...but just beyond reach "She Falls Back"...but then life,  the real life, threatens to take  away the dream...and drags me    down with it  "In Absence of Hope"...and one  moment in time..i realize there  is no choice but to break free...before  i am crushed

All of these were drawn during that time in my life when I was realizing that a major change had to be made...                          
 It was the best of times!...It was the worst of times!... 
    it ended in freedom.....
    ***Please do not borrow, steal or use these drawings!!!***
"Life and Death of Mom" now, standing in freedom, I question the very dreams that got me here...


"THE DANCE"...it as much ME as i am it...


"Marching to Disaster"     ...fears..so many fears,and yet I march....


[[a different style..... me, in graphics...always learning or trying to! ]] 


Now Please  go take a peek at my other pages...some old some new...NOTHING borrowed...one blue!



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