2217 Fulton Road
Fultondale, AL 35068
(205) 841-7132

EMail-- fsbc1@aol.com

Pastor-- Bro. Jim Hazelwood
Our Church

    Fulton Springs Baptist Church began 50 years ago. Bro. Lathey Bolden held a tent revival on the corner of Fulton Road in 1947.

    From that great tent revival, the saved built a small building that would serve as their church. During the building of that small church, Bro. Lathey would leave his secular job every day and go to the site to help build. You could say that not only did Bro. Lathey, under the inspiration of God, start the church, he helped build it too!

    Though many changes have come about in the last 50 years, from that small building and group of believers came a great church to be used by God, Fulton Springs.

    We thank God for Fulton Springs and for Bro. Lathey.

    God has led many good Pastors to Fulton Springs, including our pastor now who came to use only two short years ago.

Our Pastor

Bro. Jim Hazelwood came to us on October 8, 1995. He has three years of College and is only 26 years old. We have seen wonderful things from the Holy Spirit as It has shone through Bro. Jim. We thank God for him and hope that God allows him to stay with us a long, long time. He is a very capable teacher and preacher of God's Word as well as a blessing to all.

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