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News From "Omm El-Donia" / Egypt
update on Re-Union Plans / WWF
Email From Waguih Tannous / Canada
News From "Omm El-Donia" / Egypt
Do'nt you all miss Egypt!
Latest News + !
Hello WWFamily...
Another update... The Email Address
of Youssef Tannous changed find the new one at the address book... I already
di change it there....
Love to you all... From Hot Sunny Cairo...
God Bless All...
E N G A G E M E N T on
Sat. 29th March 1997
I'm honored to have been
called upon by Tant Camilia Shawi to break the happy news to the toutes
famille of the the engagement of
Marianne Shawi
& Francois Hanna (Sisco)
on Sat. 29th March 1997
We feel you are all very close
to us here in Cairo... We know you feel the same... Thanx Firstly to the
Great Familly tighs and Secondly to the internet!
Hope to hear always happy news
from toutes famille... dayman EnChaallah
From Ihab Shawi:
Shawi /Cairo c/o:<>
Hi Everybody... I am so happy
and proud of this family efforts on the internet... My friend Khaled is
too!...All are fine here "FI MASR" I wish all a late Happy
Valentine! and
the best of health "dayman"... Now let me tell you all
about my adventurous trip to Lebanon:
My Beirut Escapade!
I just came back from Beirut... It was a great experience... It is becoming one of the most beautiful cities in the world.. apart from an Israili air attack of the HEZBOLLAH RADIO at"Baalbak" area (Yes I was there then, and had to find shelter to hide from Real BOMBS!), apart from that, it was wonderful to the point that by the end of the trip, we forgot about that outrageous hostile event.
Unfortunately,the program was too tight and I could not see Jean Tannous & the family,but I spoke to them on the phone.I hope you will enjoy this page which was invented by my best friend KHALED who is a computer genius!Please Email me your latest news.
Ihab Shawi
From me (Khaled):
A.Naga /Cairo <>
Hi there... I hope you all like this first attempt to create a Home for the World Wide Famolia!... and where else would it be but at the World Wide Web... I wish this Home in Cyber-Space helps keep all family members in touch more often, also for those who never met or did not witness the arrival of new baby members at the other side of the world... could at least share updated photos here at the Family Home Page!
Please Send me all the photos
you want to share with the rest of the family (scan them to a reasonable
size (700 X 500 for example) saved as Jpg format is best for photos) and
send them attached to an email message to me here> Khaled
/Cairo <> and
I will publish them all at the Home Page Photo Album...
Here's a copy of my first Message suggesting this Home Page idea:
1.Subject: Family Home Page!!
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 15:59:14 +0200
From: "K.Naga" <> Organization: NAGA STUDIO
Hi Everybody ...
Happy Valentine!
This is me Khaled Abol-Naga
I'm Ihab Shawi's friend from Cairo, Egypt. (The one providing his Email access till now)
I've been so excited by your family circle News, I've been keeping track of all emails and names for Ihab, when Suddenly it occured to me that a Web site for the family (or should I say families) must be a great idea to keep up with all the news from anywhere! also keep in it pages for each and every member with photos and everything so all members all over the world know each other more intimately...
So Since I like the idea very much I've decided to start it myself!...
If everybody can send to me at
clips of photos/
hobbies / family connection /
full names / who married to whom?! and kids and so forth.... Soon you all
can find the FAMILY TREE in
a web site. well its
a bit more complicated than I thaught !
You can also Vote for your family re-union plans ON-Line!... I think its going to be Great... Do'nt you all But I need your feedback with permission for it of course.
Ihab Shawi is sending you all his best, He just came back from Beirut, a trip during Eid Holidays after Ramadan, I'll let him tell you all about it on the family Web-Site Soon!!!
Here's the list so far... Please Correct it for me if anything is wrong!... also I divided it into The Tannous Branch, the Chaoui Branch, and the rest of the branches:... I still did not figure out the connection between the branches, mmay be Waguih can help me, He seems to know the best...
The Family List 14 Feb'97... Go Here> Latest Updated Family Address Book
Abol-Naga /Cairo
Visit My Latest WWW Site developed at : _________________________________________________________________
update on Re-Union Plans:
Please Send all messages you
want to publish here to: Khaled
/Cairo <>
Here is an assortment of the latest update on the Family Re-Union Plans:
1.Subject: Invitation!
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 13:23:15 -0700
From: (Dalal
Schneider) Organization: Ball Corporation
Hello again everybody.
It's been great keeping up with all the e-mails. There are so many new family members that I do not know. Hopefully, we'll have the opportunity to meet them soon.
The reason I'm communicating right now is to get my "2 cents' worth" in regarding a family reunion this summer. Medhat mentioned it a few weeks ago (Next Message Below), and I would like to second him. My recommendation is that we have the family reunion HERE IN COLORADO!!!
As you know Karim will be getting married here. They have set the date for July 26th, and it would be wonderful to have the whole family here for it! Joe and Maryse and Peter will be here, Mom and Elie will be here, too. Dad can't make it because the distance is just too long for him to travel, and Amal will need to stay with him. Colorado is simply beautiful (of course, I'm biased), and there are lots of fun things to do. We have 3 different hotels surrounding our neighborhood, so there's plenty of room for everyone.
So please think about it and I hope you will seriously consider it.
Other than that, we're doing well. We've been exploring middle schools in the last couple of weeks for Andrew. It's been a very educational process for all of us. With no Catholic school in our neighborhood, we're having to consider public schools, and that's been very eye-opening. There are a couple of good opportunities for him, but the number of students considering them exceed the number of openings, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. Anyway, God will help us in making the right choice for him.
Gotta get back to work now. "Talk" to you later!
Dalal De Denver
2.Subject: Reunion
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 08:11:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Aurore (Sabah Mikhail)
Dear everyone ,
I love the idea of a family reunion in Niagra Falls, because it is almost half the distance to those in Canada &/ or U.S.But why don't we choose a weekend that combines both US & Canadian holidays.I looked at my calandar ... I suggest :
1- Easter weekend i.e from Fri Mar.28 to Mon.31 OR:
2-Jul.1 is Canada day & Jul.4 is Independence day so we can combine >these dates & make a week i.e from June 28 to Jul.6 .
Hope to receive your input soon. Keep healthy. Love
3.Subject: Re: New members
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 12:28:50 -0500 (EST)
Dear everyone:
Now that Medhat's idea has been accepted re : reunion for some days during 1997, I would like to push for a date and a place. Niagara Falls seems to be the more appropriate place for us to meet. Also Rosemond can join us or we could join her in choosing a place near her. We do miss her a lot and we can have fun.
So why don't we start to decide on the place so we can settle up this event and then we can ask you all to give us an approximate date so we can gather the most suitable for everyone.
Unless we go for it with the high spirit you taught me, we will not make this event happen. I need now action . Because after we decide on the venue, the date , we will be looking for accommodations and prices, transportation, etc.... and start make a program.
I suggest second week of June 1997 at Niagara Falls for 4 to 6 days ???
Awaiting your reply.
Best regards to all of you.
Albert Chaoui.
Email From Waguih Tannous / Canada:
The Following Message was one of the very first messages from the family circle to us in Cairo... the one that triggered this Home-Page idea... So I thaught I'd have to doccument it here on site:
Subject: New members
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 18:10:46 -0500
From: "Waguih Tannous" <>
Hi everybody,
Good news. We have two more members to our circle from Cairo this time: Nader Bey Stino and Ihab Bey Shawi. Their e-mails are and respectively.
So in the name of everybody I welcome them. Thank You!
Albert and Medhat, your suggestion for the family to meet this year is very good, we have to find a date and a place sufficiently ahead of time. I suggest a nice place like Niagara Falls or a beach. We are open for suggestions. Do not forget EVERYBODY will be welcome.
Youssef, Naguib, and all the other lazy boys and girls, where are your messages? This forum is for all family members, to have and to share news of the family.
Bye Waguih..........
Family News / WWF (World Wide Family):
1.Subject: Re: Family Tree and Home Page!!
From: Farid & Antoinette Tannous (SABAH MIKHAIL) / Canada
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 14:34:04 -0500 (EST)
Hello everybody from Montreal,
It is amazing, in December 96 there was only 5 adresses,
in January there was 18
and in February there are 26 adresses now.
Few weeks ago Eugene Tannous had this project in mind, he is following all the E-Mail message by message. He drafted a message in Arabic and then flew to Hawaii for couple of weeks. Were are waiting for his arrival to to read it before sending it. We didn't have in mind the pictures but it is a great idea.
Uncle Fouad Tannous in Australia discussed this family tree in 1994 but on paper since he didn't have the internet. We got into the internet through Aurore Tannous(Sabah), we have been following it since the beginning . We will get in touch with you soon for more details.
Thank you for this idea Khaled.
Farid & Antoinette Tannous
Reply: Tank you... Khaled Abol-Naga
2.Subject: Family News
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 08:42:11 -0500 (EST)
Hi Family Network Circle,
Its great to be able to communicate.
I have a new member to introduce:
Astrinos/Melek .
We had a big laugh at your jokes
ya Joujou.
Thanks for taking the time to share what you get from
We appreciate your good sense of humour Therese. Keep on sending these
We aknowledge Dallal's invitation for Karim's Weding in July in Colorado.. It is a good alternative to Niagara Falls . Any comments on that???
Hey Jobelaki
give us some news about Cecile, Josee and the Swiss part of the family.
We think a lot about you guys... We will be in Chicago for Marc-Antony's
christening on March 2nd. I am the proud Godmother!!! Albert and I will
stop for one day (earlier) at Tony'Chaoui's in Wisconsin. Its good to notice
that Caroline joined the Family Circle. Any news from newlywed Mr. and
Mrs Francois Nasser???
Any news from Egypt?? Can Nader and Ihab read us when we send a message??? Keep in touch. Love Nelly
Reply: You bet... Ihab always gets his Email late, although I Call him as soon as I get it, But He's too busy these days... But for Stino I think he has some problems with his hotmail account... I'll ask Ihab Shawi to give him a call to see if I can help him get a discent Email account... They're becoming quite a joy to shop around for these days in Cairo! ... Hey what do you think of this Home Page idea... & Please everybody anything you want to publish here just email it to me (Make sure to tell me exactly what to publish?) ... Khaled
A.Naga /Cairo <>
3.Subject: You make my day !!
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 09:56:02 -0500 (EST)
From: (Sabah
Dear Everybody ,
Good morning, now I look forward to come to work Monday morning to be able to access your messages. It is a joy to hear from you .
Christine your such a funny girl . I hope to meet you in person some day.
Joujou yes I did receive your message I guess my address was easy to copy.
As for you Waguih, thanks for the effort you make to unite all the family on different continents
May be I should give you Caroline's email( my daughter ) but poor her she will be overwhelmed by all of you cause she hardly knows any of you.
Think about it & I will discuss it with her & let me know.
Keep on writing, you make my day. Love
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(last update: Monday 17 Feb'97 4:00am Cairo local time)
Note: This page is still under construction ! click on ma photo to send moi your comments:
excuse mon francais!, I'm learrning!... Khaled Abol-Naga
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