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My Military Family

I've grown up learning to love and respect my country and what the United States stands for. My father served in WWII, and my grandfather's both served before him. My uncles also served. My brothers were both in Viet Nam at the same time, again answering the Nation's call to duty, by enlisting.
I am VERY Proud to be an American!

My dad, Captain Robert O. Hill, Sr - WWII -9th Air Force
367th Fighter Group, 394th Fighter Squad.

My oldest brother, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Robert O. Hill, Jr - KIA, Viet Nam, 1970
67th Medical Group, 237th Medical Detachment, Dustoff

My older brother, Bruce C. Hill - Viet Nam
5th Special Forces, Green Beret, CCN

Links to Military Sites

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