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Bob with Huey

CWO2 Robert O. Hill, Jr.

In Search Of...

friends and classmates of...

Young Bob Graduating from Flight School

PLEASE help to identify these pics!! These were friends of my brother, Bob. ????? {---- click here!

Young Nam

Bob at the 237th in Phu Bai

Viet Nam Veterans !!

Bob's reflection in The Wall

not actual location on Wall (edited photo)

Painting of boy and soldier at The Wall

My oldest brother was killed in Viet Nam in a helicopter crash and because I was so young, I really didn't get to know much about him. My brother, sister and I would just like to meet some of the folks who spent time with him and knew him, who he was....what he was like.

His name was CWO Robert O. Hill, Jr. and he was a helicopter DUSTOFF (MedEvac) pilot, in Quang Tri Province. He was with the 237th Medical Detachment, 67th Medical Corps, and he was killed on September 27th, 1970. He also served with the 571st in Phu Bai, before transferring to the 237th, and with the 421st in Darmstadt, Germany before Vietnam. Thanks in advance for putting me in touch with anyone who may have known him!!

I began a serious search on Sunday April 20, 1997. I have come across the most wonderful, terrific folks out there, that are soooo full of support and love, and information!!! I'd like to thank all of them for all their help and support! :) My brother and sister and I have now found over 20 people from different units and areas of Vietnam, who knew our brother personally. Its been amazing, and I'd like to thank them all for being available to us!

<B>CWO2 Robert O. Hill, Jr</B>.

CWO2 Robert O. Hill, Jr.


Soldiers of the Clouds

Many, MANY thanks to Joe Muharsky
for his gorgeous donation of the special effects photos of my brother!

Veterans For A Change

In Search Of....

My heart is full of questions and fears
as I open one more web page.
The love I've found, the commeraderie
among these men..will it help to calm my rage?

I know I loved my brother
who I'll never see again.
I just wish I had some real memories
to help to ease this pain.

It is sad to see the agony
my brother and sister live within.
The pain is there most every day
as are the dreams we've been given.

I wish I could start this life of mine
over again so HE could be here with us,
to celebrate our happiness,
and morn with us our losses.

So he could see our children grow;
the changes they've gone through.
So we could see what kind of Dad he'd been
if he'd only had the chance to.

Why did we fight this fight we did
to give folks democracy?
Better yet, why did we leave
when the country wasn't free?

Viet Nam has taken its toll
in the lives of all these soldiers.
But its taken its toll on the families too,
as we keep on growing older.

by Miriam Knight (bluebird)
copyright April, 1997

Also looking for the
parents of Sgt. John Robert Jones, 5th Special Forces (CNN),
KIA 5 June '71. Home of record El Paso, TX. DOB 20 Feb '49 Louisville, KY.
If anyone has ANY info that could help locate Jones' parents,
please contact
Bruce Hill

Check out these links to other Viet Nam and Military pages,
many which have been of great help in my searches!!

Please, this is SOOO important...Check out this link to my POW/MIA Page, and help fight the fight!

US Flag POW/MIA Award
George (Gunny) M. Fallon's Page
US Flag
Gold Wings Award
U.S. Wings Inc.
Windsor Award
The Windsor Police Dept.
The P.O.W. Forum

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