Aquarium Newsletter

Year 1
Number 6
16 december 1999

In this number


  • Update "Aquarium mail"
  • News navigation menu


  • Aquarium's services
  1. Search engine
  2. Site map
  3. Free e-mail
  4. Web Forum
  5. Mailing list
  6. Web page announcer
  7. Classified Ads
  8. Link Service
  9. Aquarium's poll


  • Banner or link exchange
  • Dite la vostra!
  • Good navigation!

In this page you can find the last news to regard the Aquarium site.

Every change of the site is recorded in this page that can be consulted for being always adjourned.

The Newsletter also contains a section that reassumes the principal characteristics of the page Aquarium's Services.

Good reading.


Here are the Aquarium's news.

Update "Aquarium mail"

The index book "Aquarium mail" has been adjourned.

From today it is possible to also enter to the file of the index book, through the connections to the numbers precedent that they are been to the end of the page.

News menu of navigation

The menu of navigation interior the site have been modified.

In this way the search and the loading of the varied pages it will be more simple and fast.

The menus have been divided for sections, in this way it is more easy to find the matters of really interest (Fai-da-te, Services, Digital Book, etc.).

Return to the index

Subjects: Aquarium's Services

All the services are completely free and they don't involve anybody expense from who it uses them.

Besides those described previously and that they represent a news for Aquarium, in the Services page you can to find different utilities through which I have tried to make the most open pages to the visitors, that so they actively have the possibility of sharing to the development of the site that, memory, is opened to the contribution of the whole impassioned. I have looked for then of it has Aquarium become a meeting where to be able to meet, to discuss, to look for (and to give!) suggestions and help.

Search engine

Is possible to effect some searches for key words interior the Aquarium site. In this way it will be easy to find information that we are looking for quickly.

Site map

Aquarium grows and its structure becomes more and more complex. How to do for not losing the rout? The answer is the site map that allows to have a complete vision of the hierarchy of the pages that they compose the same site.

Free e-mail

Through Aquarium is now possible get a e-mail box completely free. The service allows to get an account that doesn't have expiration, it is attainable through the web for the consumer that undersigns it from any part he is, it is configurable and it also allows the management of the mail in simple way but at the same complete time through the creation of post office boxes and index books of addresses and above all it is completely free: other don't stay to do that to try it! The signature of the service and the access to the own post office box are possible from the Aquarium home page.

Web Forum

It is a kind of electronic board where is possible to hang the proper massage communicant is so, for instance, the own impressions on a determined matter. Through the forum it is therefore possible to also establish a discussion with friends that is far from us hundreds of kilometers and to find so more easily answer to questions to which we don't succeed in answering. Obviously, being Aquarium a site that speaks of fishes, the messages must concern the world of the aquarium.

Mailing list

Through the Mailing List you can be sent the proper e-mail message to all the underwriters of the same list. In this way it is possible to require information I concern a determined problem contemporarily to a lot of persons, without sending an e-mail to each. At the same time, enrolling they to the Mailing List, are received in automatic all the messages that the single affiliate send to the list, staying adjourned so always and you participate in the life of the same list. To enroll is enough to click on the button and to follow the contained instructions in the page that will be visualized.

Web Page Announcer

Web Page Announcer allows to send by e-mail to a friend the URL of Aquarium ( simply compiling the form with the proper e-mail and that of the person to which wants to communicate the existence of my site.

Classified Ads

It is an electronic board that allows to communicate the existence of a Web site to the other visitors, really or of third, furnishing a short description, the address and a representative image.Is a very comfortable way to publicize the really site or an interesting site. It is not necessary that the signalled pages concern the aquariums.

In the board it is also possible to insert a proper announcement of the type I sell - I buy - exchange - I look for.

Link Service

Slightly different in the form and in the presentation in comparison to the Classified Ads, it allows to signal a site, really or of others, also furnishing a breve to of it description. As all the otherAquarium's services it is completely free and to disposition of whoever wants to communicate the existence of interesting pages.

Return to the index


Link or banner exchange

Whoever was interested to an banner exchange and/or to put a link to the own home page, can communicate him to me by e-mail: I will be well cheerful to insert them as soon as possible in my pages.

Dite la vostra!

My pages are also opened to whoever has something to say. Who wants to communicate own experiences or the proper point of view in aquariological field, who has a particular matter to treat and he can send certainly so away me by e-mail the proper job that will be inserted in a special section. The format of the document will be preferably that "html", otherwise the publication of the same could require a few time for the elaboration on my behalf. The page will bring the signature of the author naturally, and eventually the address URL and that e-mail of the same.

Good navigation !

And now I hope good navigation, inviting you to answer to the poll, to visit the page of the services and to not hesitate to write me, either to tell me thing thinks some of the pages, that to communicate suggestions to me, suggestions and..... criticisms.

Return to the index
