Dear Tabby

The Feline Advice Columnist

See my interview with Callie and Nosey.

Hello all you cats, humans, dogs, frogs, birds, fish, and any other species out there (excuse me for not putting you all. We do have limited space here.) My name is Tabby Cat. I am a black and gray striped cat. I have seen all, therefore I know all. I welcome any (appropriate) questions you may have, especially about cats (you may want to consult a human about human problems). There may be other tabbies out there giving advice. I would like you to know those aren't me. This my first page on the web. I would like to thank my good friends, Callie and Nosey, for providing me the space here. Now, lets go to the questions.

Dear Tabby,
     You said you have seen all. How old are you?
                              -A Curious Cat

Dear Curious,
     In cat years or human years?
P.S. Don't forget, curiousity killed the cat.
Dear Tabby,
     How can I get my cat to stop climbing the curtains?
                              -Shredded Drapes

Dear Shredded,
     Put up miniblinds.
Dear Tabby,
     How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could
chuck wood?
                              -Chucked Out

Dear Chuck,
     I don't know. How many rats would a fat cat bat if a fat cat
could bat rats?
Dear Tabby,
     How big is the universe?
                              -A Small Cat

Dear Small Cat,
     That is one BIG question. All I know is that MY universe
is my house and it's 30,000 cubic feet.
Dear Tabby,
     I like to climb big trees but then I can't figure out how
to get down.  Any suggestions?
                              -Kimba the pretty kitty

Dear Kimba,
     I have had many monkeys ask me the same question, but cats
don't have prehensile tails.  My first suggestion would be to
climb smaller trees, but if you love to climb big trees, you 
should be allowed to.  You could try learning to dial 911 on a
cellular phone.  If that would be too embarrassing, try tying a 
rope to a branch and swinging down.  Whatever you do, don't jump.
Scientists have never proven that "cats land on their feet" theory
I can recall Nosey landing on his head one time.  He was okay,
Dear Tabby,
     What is the polite thing to say after one coughs up a furball?

Dear Nikki,
     There probably is no right answer for that.  The humans will
be mad no matter what you say.  Stay away from things like "Eew",
"That tickled", and "Do you have any Grey Poupon?"

That's all the questions we have now. Please E-mail me through Callie and Nosey. They'll give it to me. Due to excessive questions I may not reply right away. Oh, and please keep in mind that this is for entertainment purposes only. I can't be held responsible for any injury or death caused by advice.

Yours furry,
Tabby Cat

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