Dear Tabby interviews Callie and Nosey

Hi all you cat fans! I'm here to interview those 2 cool cats that everyone is talking about, Callie and Nosey. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tabby Cat. I write a feline advice column for Callie and Nosey's page. You can see my column here.

TABBY: Hi guys! I'll start by asking the question on everyone's mind, what's it like being famous and having your own web page.

NOSEY: Well, actually, it's not as great as you'd think. There are lot's of weirdos out there. One of them, we suspect his name is Matt, signs our guestbook. We beleive he is also the anonymous anarchist.

CALLIE: He may be a human posing as a cat.

TABBY: Well, enough of this strange person or cat. I know it disturbed you, judging from the notice on the Litterbox. How about your 1 year anniversary?

CALLIE: Well, we are actually very happy about what we've accomplished in the past year and excited about what is yet to come.

NOSEY: We are proud of the little program we made. We did make it, but of course the humans take some credit. But, anyways, we see this as just the start. We hope to make more exciting programs.

TABBY: How about this membership in the cat club, CLAW?

NOSEY: It is actually a great club. We wish we had more time to do all the activities they have. I encourage other cats to join.

TABBY: Just one final question, Nosey. Is the fur real?

NOSEY: YES! How do you cats hear these things??? I am not a member of the Fur Club For Cats! And don't even ask me that thing about the curtains!

TABBY: Curtains? What curtains? Nosey what are you talking about? Callie, help me out here! Nos-

CALLIE: Well, we're just about out of time! You'd better go back to the Litterbox.