Pacific Jewel at home

***Ani's available kittens***

***January 9 2000 Ani has given us five new kits. Three tortie and white(calico) girls and two two red and white boys. So far four appear to be show marked, maybe the fifth too. Here are their pictures!!!***

***Julie's Sons***

***Corrina and Aneus had a litter of kittens on Feb. 26 1999. Three boys and two girls.Here are thier pics**

On May 28 CH DesertJewel Riata of Wishnwhiskers and GCH Whishnwhiskers Lord of the Rings had three adorable kittens. Two black and white boys and one dilute tortie girl!
To enquire about the kittens:
Turkish Vans are independent and intelligent.
They tend to bond with one person in the household, who is their "special"
human. They are active and love high places. They do like water and love
to play in toilet bowls (keep the lids down!). We are planning future breedings
and will update this page with those results.
Please come back again!
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Breeding Philosophy/Kitten
Copyright WishnWhiskers Turkish Vans
Logos & Graphics by H. Dohrmann..Updated by James Mac Arthur