Angel "Toto" Di Pace has been an FCI all Rounder Judge since 1968.
He started off his showing career with German Shepheards, where he won 10 Best in Shows.
Later on he imported Poodles and brd and showed them with great success. He has handled Boxers professionally and has bred them. He also bred, Siberian Huskies English Cockers, Beagles, Afghan Hounds, Miniature Pinchers, Collies and Borzois.
Later on in life he started with Terriers. He has bred, Kerry Blue Terriers, Airedale Terriers, Welsh Teriers, Scottish Terriers, but has put all his heart into Wire Fox Terriers and Smooth Fox Terriers which he has bred for 19 years . He is currently the President of the Fox Terrier Club in Argentina.
His career as a Judge has taken him to Europe and all through South America, where he judges Specialty Shows and International All Breed Shows. He has judged the Terrier Group Sweepstakes in Argentina´s World Show, 1993
Toto is presently Breeding Showing and Judging which are his life´s passion.
He has been co-founder of the Federacion Cinologica Argentina and member of its Board of Directors, founder and President of the Buenos Aires Kennel Club and has been a professor of many courses for the training of New Judges..