Our membership area includes the following towns in the Houston
metro area:
Alvin | League City |
Bacliff | Nassau Bay |
Clear Lake | Pasadena |
Deer Park | Pearland |
Dickinson | South Houston |
Friendswood | Seabrook |
Kemah | Webster |
La Porte |
Anyone interested in joining this local club may e-mail Leslie Powell for an
information package. Contact the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs at
1-800-243-2276 for referrals to a club in other cities all over the U.S. Their web
site is www.nomotc.org and they offer useful information beneficial to new parents
of multiples.
membership information
Resa Allbright - President |
Leslie Powell - Program VP |
Denise Sanders - Membership VP |
Sherri Ernst - Editor |
Barbara Fowler - Treasurer |
Lisa Colorado - Secretary |
Donna Gilbreath - Telephone Rep |
Kelli Wimberly - State Rep |
Crissie Chenette - National Rep |
Beth Loveless - Webmaster |
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